Green-blooded Bastard - AOS!Leonard McCoy x Reader

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You sat on an empty bio bed in sickbay, reading The Two Towers, when the med bay doors slid open and the Commander walked, or rather limped, in. Your superior gently guided him to a bio bed and laid him down. Spock winced. "(Y/n), get the painkillers," Bones said, using your first name since the two of you were rather close. You did as you were told. Bones took the hypo from you and injected it into Spock's neck. "So, what did ya get yourself into? Fought Jim for hitting on Uhura?" your superior quipped as he scanned Spock with a tricorder. You burst out laughing - of course Spock would not be spared from the usual banter. Spock looked at the both of you knowingly.

"Negative, doctor. I was actually sparring with Mr. Sulu," the Vulcan replied, unfazed as always.

"Got your ass knocked out from under you by a human? You sure are out of it," Leonard said, keeping the tricorder since Spock had no injuries, just aches.

"Unlike myself, Mr. Sulu is a trained combatant. My being an alien species adds only a little to my physical strength."

"Yeah well, that's about it then. Just take a warm bath and you'll be all right."

"Thank you, doctor. By the way, there is something I need to speak to you about."

"Okay. (Y/n), if any other patient comes in, you can treat him or her."

"Yes Leo." You watched the blue shirts as they walked into the doctor's office, or more specifically the one blue shirt with the rich Southern accent, kind hazel green eyes, and gruff but cute and caring personality. You shook your head to clear it; you really needed to focus, despite having the man you loved so nearby.

"Yeah?" Bones quipped, his tone indicating that he wanted to make it as quick as possible.

"You are fond of (y/n)," Spock stated his deduction.

"Of course I am, she's my friend," Bones avoided, even though he knew that Spock was practically the Sherlock Holmes of the ship.

"Leonard, you know of what I speak."

"Yeah you're's your point?"

"You have not informed her of it."

"Look, I'm sure you know why. You've gone through that!"

"Not so. Nyota was the one to initiate our relationship."

"Yeah well that's because Vulcans suck at feelings. Now what do you want, you green-blooded bastard?"

"I have noticed your discomfort at being unable to express your emotions, and as your friend, I am here to put your mind at ease."

"...what do you mean?"

"I have deduced that (y/n) feels the same."

"How- oh, never mind (A/N: Let's see if anyone gets that reference!). So what you mean to say is, I can just go up to her, right now, kiss her until she can't breathe, and she'll be happy about it?" Leo asked, with that bit of sarcasm in his voice.

"I was not thinking of such a scenario, but if that is how you wish to 'ask (y/n) out' as your species says, then I cannot stop you."

"Whatever. Now take your bath so I can go tell her."

"All right. Good day, Leonard," Spock greeted as he used the door that led directly out to the vestibule.

"Bye Spock," Leo returned, he himself using the connecting door to the sickbay.

Back to where you are:
You looked up from your book which you had resumed reading, "What did he say?"

"(Y/n)...there's something I've wanted to do for quite a while," he said, stooping down to where you were seated on the bio bed.

You met his gaze, "And that- mmf!" You were about to say 'is', but your speech was cut short when he pressed his mouth against yours. You gently returned the kiss. Leo stood to his full height when his back started cracking. You looked up at him and giggled, "I take it he third-wheeled?"

"Y-ep," he popped the 'p'. "So, whattaya say? Be my girlfriend?"

"Of course. We'll have to thank that 'green-blooded bastard' at some time."

He gave you a look, "Do we have to?" You laughed and scooted a little further away from him on the bed. He lay down next to you and took you in his arms. You nestled your head in his chest, inhaling his scent. He smiled and kissed the top of your head. The other nurses, whom the both of you did not take heed of, smiled at the two of you.

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