Minutes to Midnight - Gil Grissom x Reader

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(A/N: Happy Valentine's Day from the man I wish I could spend it with)

At 10 pm on the 13th of February, Gil and you woke up, having an hour to get ready and go to your shift. Like always, you were happy to see each other, but the knowledge that Valentine's Day was just around the corner made you lovey and dopey, and smiled at each other sweetly before closing your eyes and leaning in for a kiss. You rolled out of bed and freshened up, then headed to grab a quick dinner before going to work.

An hour into the slow shift, Gil looked at his watch. "Hey," he said to you, failing to hide his boyish excitement as he held his wrist out for you to see that it was midnight. A smile of equal goofiness came onto your face because of his own. You looked up at him, and your eyes met his. Seeing the consent in yours, he stepped towards you and engulfed you in a kiss, his lips pressed eagerly to yours and his big body encaging you, keeping you safe. Your hands lingered on his chest, clutching his collar and buttons.

Meanwhile, the rest of the team always got nosy around the time of important romantic dates for the two of you, for one because they were single, and because Grissom used to be so reserved, but he had become more relaxed throughout the course of your relationship, and it was intriguing to see Grissom like that (as well as you, because the pair of you were sweet with each other).

And so, when midnight rolled around, they crept to Grissom's office, stopping just short of the door way. Greg and Warrick giggling made the two of you turn to her. "How cute," Greg teased with a grin.  Gil and you looked at each other with decisive smiles, and brought your faces together to kiss again, to the soft joking but genuine cheering of your friends.

Of course, Catherine had to take it where she did, like always.  "So breakfast, a movie and...lots of sex?"  She was side-eyeing the both of you with a suggestive grin.

"Yeah," you confirmed simply, nuzzling Gil with a loving smile, more lost in him than anything else.  And he, too, was just enjoying you, his chin rested on your head with his eyes closed and a relaxed smile.

"But, as for now...?"  Catherine prompted.

You finally pulled apart.  "For now, we're solving a case with you."

"If we get one," Nick pointed out.  "There hasn't been anything, which is very strange."

"Well maybe we can have lunch together.  Then, after that, if there's still nothing, (y/n) and I'll take the night off.  Catherine will supervise."

"You got it," the woman in question said.

"All right I think we'll leave them alone for now," Warrick smiled, putting his hands on Catherine's and Greg's shoulders and bringing them away, with Nick following along.

For the third time, Gil and you looked at each other, this time for a quick peck before you split off to follow up on evidence for some cold cases.

You all decided to test the blood spatter patterns of a murder, since it was fun to hit things with no consequences of harming people.  Grissom leant against the wall beside the doorway and watched you all.  After a fun session of hitting, trying out different weapons and creating patterns on the paper stuck on the spatter wall, you finally got somewhere.  Greg volunteered to recheck the DNA, so he took note of whose blood spattered which way, collected fresh DNA samples from the storage, and went to relieve Wendy of her duties for a little bit.  It was nearly lunchtime when he came back and gave his report; finally, progress had been made.  "Great," Grissom smiled.  "Let's go eat."  Like always, you all decided to patronise Frank's Diner.

When your food came, everyone except Gil looked at it weirdly and confusedly.  "What is that?"  Nick asked.

"Toad-in-a-hole," you answered simply.

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