Meet Cute at the Horrible Christmas Party - 10 Days of GSR ficmas day 8

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Grissom was going to be a lecturer at the forensics conference of 1998, taking place in San Francisco

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Grissom was going to be a lecturer at the forensics conference of 1998, taking place in San Francisco.  He decided to travel there earlier so that he could take some time to get used to his new environment.

Unfortunately, the hosts of the conference centre he was staying at thought that it would be a good idea to hold an early Christmas party for the speakers and attendees.  And it would have been seen as impolite not to attend.  So, he found himself sitting at a table in a corner with his food, pointedly avoiding eye contact with anybody and everybody.  He had even moved the second chair at his table to the one next to his.

It was also very noisy.  So much so that he did not here someone come up to him and ask him, "May I join you?"  She had to wave her hand in front of his plate.  He forced his frown away before looking up at her.  She was sporting a ponytail instead of having her hair down during the cold weather, something he found curious.  "May I join you?"  she repeated.

As he had been noticing her ponytail, he had not managed to read her lips.  He signed, "I can't hear you."

She did not understand sign language, but she conjectured as to what he must have been saying.  She walked around to his side and bent down a little so that her head was closer to his ear.  "May I join you?  I just want to sit somewhere quietly; if I sit elsewhere, people might join me and talk to me."  He looked up at her sympathetically.  He gestured to the space opposite him.  "Thank you," she smiled and nodded.  She placed her plate down on that space and then grabbed the chair he had moved away, bringing to the table and sitting on it.

Sara had come to attend the pseudo Christmas do with all the dread in the world.  After getting her food, she had scanned the area for quiet place she could sit and keep to herself.  That was when she saw the lone man at the very table she picked out as the place she would have sat at if he had not gotten there first.  Given the arrangement of the chairs at the table next to his, she deduced that he had moved one of his there.  She also noticed how deliberately he was avoiding looking at anyone.  She decided that if she hoped for silence, sitting with him was the safest option.  Thus, she went to join him, getting somewhat surprised that he could sign, but was not at all put off by it.  And, perhaps another reason he wanted to avoid the noise had to do with his hearing, so that only added on to how much sense his behaviour made.

And so the two ate without making conversation or eye contact, something they were both happy with. Well, Sara did steal a few glances at the handsome man before her, but only for very brief instances.

Their solace was interrupted when someone particularly annoying came dragging another chair over.  "May I join you?"  the man grinned, but without waiting for an answer, he was already sitting down.

Before Grissom could politely tell him to leave, Sara beat him to it by fixing the intruder with an annoyed side-eye and spouting, "Uh, three's a crowd," in an unapologetically disapproving voice.  The man's face immediately fell.  Slowly, he removed himself and the chair, leaving with his tail between his legs.

Sara turned to Grissom to see that he was smiling at her, eyes shining with amusement and approval.  She had to admit, it was an attractive smile.  He held his hand out for a shake.  "Gil Grissom," he said.

"Oh you're the guy whose lectures I'm attending!  I'm Sara Sidle," she returned, gladly shaking his hand.

He raised an eyebrow in pleasant surprise.  "Really?"

"I mean, yeah," she chuckled.  "I'll admit, I'm worried that it might be boring, but entomology in forensics is new to me, so I wanna check it out."

He smiled and bowed his head.  "Thank you for giving it a chance."

"Hey, now that I've met my speaker, I'm inclined to view it with more interest," she grinned.

He laughed softly.  "Why thank you."  As he went back to his food, he asked, "May I ask you a question?"

"Sure," she replied, resuming her dining as well.

"Why are you wearing your hair in a ponytail?  Why not let it down because of the cold?"

"Oh, I live here.  I'm used to it," she answered.  "Where're you from?  Chicago?"

"Vegas, actually, despite my accent," he chuckled.

"Ah," she chuckled as well.

The rest of their meal passed with amiable conversation.  Even after they finished eating, they stuck together, so that they could not be caught as individuals and dragged into an unwanted conversation.  The time of the party's conclusion seemed to come too soon.  "I look forward to seeing you at my lecture, Sara," Grissom said gallantly, holding his hand out for a shake once more.

"I can't wait to attend your session either," she smiled, shaking his hand.  "I'll see you there."

"See you."  They parted ways.  For the rest of what was left of the day, they each could not stop thinking about the most intriguing person they had gotten the good fortune of meeting.

Two years later, Grissom brought Sara closer to him once more.

Seventeen years later, they were off to sail the seas and take care of them for a wonderful six years.

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