4x12 - GSR fix-it fic

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(A/N: This is pushing 9000 words...yeah. I'm tired as Gil now. Imma go sleep with him. I was inspired to write this when I watched the video. Anyways, they're actually together in this one. Aka when Gil FINALLY goes home, he can rest his forehead on Sara's and reassure himself that she's actually still okay, and that she's actually still right there, with him. Because I crave this for them. So, there are many and heavy contextual changes.  Fyi, I'm not writing out every single piece of dialogue/action, hell no. I'm just writing whatever's relevant to GSR.  Oh and, warning - canon-typical ns/fw)

Gil walked through the house of the 419 of the night, having had to put protective coverings over his shoes so that he did not disturb any evidence he might accidentally step on.  He had to keep his back to the wall and walk sideways as well.  (The sound of his footsteps were adorable.)  As he passed the spare bedroom, he noticed that the victim possessed a collection of butterfly-resembling trinkets, all displayed nicely on her shelf.  He made it to the area of event at last, squatting down to take a closer look at the body.

His eyebrows jumped up in shock - the victim had a strong resemblance to Sara.  For a few moments longer, he stared at his (secret) girlfriend's image, a dozen thoughts swirling around in his head but never aligning themselves.  It was his unfailing sense of duty that allowed him to literally get his head upright and get back to his team, who was waiting outside.  But when he opened the door, the very person in his line of sight was Sara; again he stared, this time at her actual self.  Inside, there was a dead body, who looked so like her, but here she was, living, breathing and- turning her head to stare right back at him.  But the one's gaze held such a different meaning from the other's.

Jim, who was past Sara in Grissom's line of sight, thought that he was the one the team leader wanted to see, so he stepped between the scientists.  "Ready for us?"

"For now, no one enters this house except CSI."


Gil assigned Warrick to the car, but he assigned Sara to the perimeter, to which she shook her head in disbelief and questioned, "What?  You just did a one hour walk-through.  The perimeter cannot be a priority."  On 'not', she shrugged and laughed wryly.

His gaze immediately turned beseeching.  "I need you to work the outside.  Catherine and I will be inside."  He momentarily shifted his eyes in the direction of the door at the last bit but immediately looked back at her, his eyes even more pleading.  Sara gave him an 'alright, fine' smile and went to do as he said.

Gil did not examine the car, but there was a fair chance that it would yield a fair amount of evidence.  However, he had, as Sara remarked, gone over the perimeter, so he knew that Sara's scouring of it would bear no fruit.  He deliberately did this; he wanted to dissociate Sara from the case as much as possible, in his own little way.

While Catherine went to interrogate the victim's friend, Gil took the opportunity to go back and stare the body for a bit longer. He was (understandably) haunted that the 419 looked like the love of his life.

He was so lost in his thoughts that he did not hear Catherine walk in behind him; his head flinched to the side when she spoke, "One thing I can never get over with this job:  anything can happen to anybody."

Gil clicked his tongue and responded, "That's why we're here," before going back to looking over the corpse.

Soon enough, Sara was let in a little more on the action when she had to crawl under the house and unscrew a pipe running from the bathroom to get the water that had been drained into it, as well as process the actual pipe. However, Gil insisted that she was to return to the laboratory and test just those pieces of evidences as soon as she was done; his intent was that she would be occupied with something appertaining to the case but not in such a major capacity, thus satisfying her curiosity if only on a temporal basis. Gil and Sara did not know it, but when she looked up into the pipe, Gil happened to be spraying luminol onto it on the other side. (A/N: Can I just take a moment to appreciate the cinematography here? As well as the music <3)

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