Literal Tiger - Weretiger!Fassbender!Sebastian Moran x Reader

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(A/N: Inspiration and permission for usage of the trope that Jim is a Phan by DeducingAngel. And um, a warning for very mild angst. You'll see. Also, the fact that you go to see a Bond movie is a hint to what's coming in the next few chapters...)

It was a quiet day in Jim's mansion. The buttonmen (A/N: Don't mind me.) were either out doing their jobs, or on leave. You being Jim's sister, he ranked you as his equal partner (meaning that Sebby was still second in command), so his buttonmen actually had two (or three, depending on how you look at it) heads. However, this rank was not given to you because of bias; rather, it was rightfully earned, for, like your brother, you had astounding powers of deduction. But not only that - you were the second best assassin in the entire prizes for guessing who the best was. It was not uncommon for Jim to place you on Seb's sniper team, if not only to help the colonel ensure that his men did their jobs properly - you may or may not have been one of the people keeping your rifle on Sherlock at the pool. You were in love with the said head sniper, and had been for some time now.

You were sitting at your desk on your room, cleaning your .44 Magnum. The rest of the network knew not to question you, for even though it was a six shooter, the Mag still had a higher success rate of hitting its targets than all the other modern pistol crap. As you were cleaning, you heard what seemed to be soft growling coming from Sebastian's room. You frowned, listening more intently as you hurriedly reloaded Dirty Harry's revolver - there it was again, accompanied by the crunching of bones, and now you could hear that it was a tiger growling. You cocked your gun and held it at the ready as you walked to Sebastian's room, inching along with your back against the wall. You soon reached his open door, the metallic scent of blood filling your nostrils as you did. You peeked the barrel of your gun around the doorframe. Based on what you could hear, the tiger took no apparent notice of it, so you dared to poke your head out from behind the door. The tiger was eating a dead pigeon; the floor of the room itself was littered with pigeon carcasses, some already eaten, and some that had yet to be consumed. You stepped into the doorway, not shooting the tiger unless it attacked you. The tiger then turned to face you, the carcass in his mouth swinging in his teeth; reminiscent of a certain blonde Irishman toying with his keys in his mouth - which you found very attractive, if you were being honest. You did not know this, but Seb doing this was a flirtatious gesture on his part.

The tiger had one very unusual feature: he had blue eyes, which were bright and piercing, exactly like those of the said blonde Irishman. "S-seb...?" you asked, dumbfounded. In response, the tiger dropped the pigeon, and sat back on his haunches. Then, it began to morph, from an adorable feline to the dashing man you had fallen for; he was still wearing his red suit from the mission he had returned from a few hours ago, looking dapper. "What...? How...?" you asked again as you lowered your gun.

Seb merely sighed as he stood up, "I don't know, okay? All I know about...this..." he gestured to himself, "is how to live with it."

"Huh. Okay. Wow that's...pretty cool actually," you responded, smiling at the last bit.

Sebastian's face visibly brightened up. "You really think so?" he asked, unable to stop a smile that showed his bloodstained teeth.

"Yeah," you grinned. "Why wouldn't it be?"

He sighed in relief. "Thank goodness. I was rather thinking that you'd find it...creepy, or any other negative connotation."

"Aw, no Seb, not at all! In fact, I find it quite the opposite!" you gushed.

Seb smiled appreciatively. Then, he spoke, "You might as well get a load of this." As he said that, a pair of tiger ears seemed to appear on top of his head, and a tiger tail also formed through his slacks to match.

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