A Better Camp David - Mike Banning x Reader

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(A/N: I DESERVE EXTRA CREDITS FOR THIS!!! I went and forced myself to sit through that scene AGAIN to get canonical accuracy. So, I compensated myself by looking at photos of my angel. Oh, look at him...😍😍😍Yes, Mike is my angel. ANYWAYS, also yes, I have joined the masses with this kind of Christmas fic XD Merry Christmas everybody! Christmas is...not quite the same this year, but I hope you will find some cheer in telecommuting with your loved ones. By the way, Leah doesn't exist in this, so it's all good. And, whew, I dethroned my Philo fic for the most words I've ever written! That one was four and a half thousand words, this is SIX AND A HALF THOUSAND!!!!!!  :DDDDDD)

  And, whew, I dethroned my Philo fic for the most words I've ever written!  That one was four and a half thousand words, this is SIX AND A HALF THOUSAND!!!!!!  :DDDDDD)

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It was the 25th of December 2012

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It was the 25th of December 2012.  President Benjamin 'Bill' Asher was spending it at Camp David as usual, and with him were his wife and son, as well as his presidential detail.

The head of this said detail was currently boxing with him, before they had to leave for a campaign fundraiser.  Special agent Dave Forbes checked his watch.  "We have to leave in fifteen minutes.  I'll go get them."

He was about to stand up from the couch, but you beat him to your feet, saying, "I'll go."

As you passed Margaret, who was leaning against the wall with her arms folded, she grinned at you teasingly, "Are you sure it's not because you just want too see Mike all sweaty and fresh from work out?"

Your ears burned red. "Sh-shut up..." you mumbled, looking down at the floor with your fists clenched. Nobody else could hear you, and, being the only other female, you were as close to Margaret as Mike was to Bill.  Mike was the man you were the closest to.  You could only wish to be closer, closer than just friends.

You made your way to the gymnasium. The door was open. You hid yourself in the shadow of the hallway and just watched and listened to Mike.  His accurate, well-timed strikes.  His swift feet, turning and dodging. His facial expression and look in his eyes, shifting between intense concentration and keenness, and humour and friendliness.  His muscles bunching and flexing. His deep grunts. His heavy exhales.

Hey, it was only fair! Margaret had told you that she had seen Mike staring at you while you were training before!

You pulled yourself together and stepped inside the gymnasium.  As you made your approach, you kept your head down.  Your steps were slow and hesitant, and your fingers fidgeted at your sides.  "Um, guys, w-we have to leave in ten minutes."

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