First Day of Spring - Sadithur Week Prompt

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Arthur and Sadie had gone away from camp for a few days and had been hiding out in an abandoned cabin they found to have a few days of winter to themselves, having promised that they would return once spring came around

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Arthur and Sadie had gone away from camp for a few days and had been hiding out in an abandoned cabin they found to have a few days of winter to themselves, having promised that they would return once spring came around.

Their days had mostly been spent being huddled on the couch in front of the lit fireplace, with thick blankets wrapped around them.  They did not talk much; they had never been people of many words.  But they did communicate through music; Sadie had sat behind Arthur, him between her legs and her arms around his waist whilst he strummed his guitar, and maybe sang a tune to it in his deep, gruff, adorable voice.  And vice versa if it was Sadie who was playing her harmonica, except that she did not sing of course.  Sometimes, they would sit in chairs by a window and look out at the whitened landscape in front of them, Arthur with his journal and pencil to sketch with in his hands.  Sadie was content to watch him, and occasionally point out any new critter that wandered into view; Arthur never made much of a response, not even so much as to look at her, but he always gave a small smile of thanks even though he was looking at his book.  In bed at night, they would always hold each other close; they were hardly ever cold this way.

The days passed quickly this way, and spring rather snuck up on them.  But, there was one morning when Arthur arose first, having sensed in his sleep a minuscule rise in temperature - moreso than with Sadie's additional body heat. Especially with the sunlight piercing through his eyelids. He made an 'mmmh...' sound of protest and lifted one of his arms from Sadie to place it over his eyes. He had a strong feeling of what day it was, but he was not ready to leave the solitude he had with his girlfriend just yet. Though, he did unconsciously let out soft groans and sighs to release some of the dread he felt, thus accidentally waking Sadie. Her head moved a little on his chest. Thinking that she was just moving in her sleep, Arthur let out an unintelligible noise of acknowledgment at her movement. However, Sadie vocalised, "What's wrong?" while still lying as she had been the whole of the previous night, ie, head on Arthur's chest and arms around him.

"It's spring!" he groaned, dragging his arm from his eyes to stare blearily at her.

She lifted her head and just blinked at him for a few moments, dazed. When she recovered, she drawled, "It's spring already?" Her man just stuck his arm out in the direction of the window, pointing a finger. Her head followed it and she went, "Oh..." He let out a long sigh, his chest heaving, as he now put his hands under his head and stared up at the ceiling. Sadie put a hand on his jaw comfortingly. "It won't be all that bad," she tried to encourage him.

His eyes shifted to look into hers. "S'not what I'm dreadin'...I'm not ready ta leave just yet."

At that, Sadie shifted so that she was sitting on his lap, bent over so that her face hovered over his. "I know," she whispered, kissing his nose. He scrunched his nose up and smiled.

A hand detached from the back of his head and came up to card his fingers through the hair at the side of her head. "We have to go..." he murmured, a bit sadly.

Sadie looked at him for a few moments, seeming to be in thought.  Then, she smirked.  "No."

He furrowed his eyebrows cutely. "No?" He sounded so endearing. He kept playing with her hair as he thought.

"We don't have to return," she said, still smirking.

As for him, his eyebrows were still furrowed, and him tilting his head only added to his cuteness.  "We have to."

"Yeah but not," she let her hand fall onto his chest, "now.  We can always go back in a few days."

He immediately smiled at that. "You think so?"

"Yeah. It's not as if the gang is gonna fade out of existence while we're gone," she chuckled.

"You're right," he snickered. He brought the hand that was in her hair to the back of her head and pushed her down for a kiss. She smiled into the kiss, glad that Arthur was happy.

The kiss was short; almost instantly, Sadie detached her lips from his and leant her forehead against his, their eyes closed.  "So, what do you wanna do today?"

At that, Arthur wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her back down completely.  "Let's just stay in bed for little while longer," he murmured.

Sadie smiled, her fingers toying with he collar of his jacket.  "Okay."

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