It's Tailored - 00Vesper

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Vesper put her bag of toiletries down on the sink counter and took a hand towel provided in the basket. She put it next to the bag and smoothed it out. As she was digging through her bag, there cane four knocks at the bathroom door. "Yes?" she called.

James opened the door and showed a dress wrapped in plastic to her in the mirror, then hung it on a hook behind the door, saying, "For you."

With a sceptical look on her face, Vesper asked him, "Something you expect me to wear?"

He had left, but popped back in to answer her question.  He said sincerely, "I need you looking fabulous.  So that when you walk up behind me and kiss me on the neck, the players across from me will be thinking about your neckline and not about their cards."  He took a breath and with a smile asked her, "Do you think you can do that for me?"

Vesper raised her head to make eye contact with him in the mirror and said, "I'll do my best," smiling at the end.

With a satisfied smile of his own, Bond have her a short and sweet, "Thank you," before walking out.  Vesper went back to getting ready for the evening.

James used the communicating door to get back to his room.  He was on his way to his closet when he spied something out of the corner of his eye.  He turned his head and saw an item of clothing zipped up protectively, laid out on his bed.  He took it off to reveal a sharp black dinner jacket.  He tried it on - it fit him like a glove.  He put it back on the hanger and made his way back to Vesper.  He took in a breath through his mouth to deliver a suspicious, "I have a dinner jacket."

But Vesper merely turned to him and said delicately, "There are dinner jackets and dinner jackets," she pointed with her brush at what he was holding and said, "This is the latter."  She went back to putting on make up as she said, "And I need you looking like a man who belongs at that table."

"How'd-" James was about to ask, but then rephrased it in a way to would better illustrate the point of his inquiry, "It's tailored."

"I sized you up the moment we met," she calmly replied, keeping up with her brushing.

James could not help a small, impressed smile as he left.  Every second he spent with her, he found more and more reasons to fall in love with her. Vesper smiled to herself as well, knowing that she had done the right thing for her man.

For the first time, James got into the outfit that we all know and love today.  He checked himself out in the mirror - he was very handsome.  He then went to a smaller, round mirror to adjust his bow tie.  Vesper was watching and smiling at him too, and she giggled when he adjusted his tie.  James turned to look at her, genuinely surprised that she was there.  Normally, he would have noticed if somebody was watching him, especially if they were so close by, but for once in his life, he had let his guard down.  He felt safe around her.  After getting her eyeful, Vesper went to wear the clothing that he had gotten for her.  It was amazing how the both of them knew each other so well and got each other exactly what they needed.

Multifandom Imagines (and a Headcanon set here and there)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang