Nine Double-Ohs - Connery!James Bond x Reader

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(A/N: @00VesperFan in case you wanna read this.  Now, a major, major warning to die hard, pedantic fans of Bond lore:  the story does not follow usual MI6 protocol.  You'll, uh, see what I mean.)

You, 009, sat in the conference room, along with the Home Secretary, several other toffs, some military heads, and the rest of your department, including the head of said department. Well, all of you except for the one - 007 was late. The nine of you waited, each with varying degrees of patience, with sir Messervy being the most impatient. As for you, you appreciated the silence and stillness; the events of the pass few days had you all (00 agents) moving at a very fast and urgent pace, leaving little to no time for rest, so you took what you could.

Finally, the commander arrived. All eyes were on him as he crossed the room from the entrance to the seventh seat, him deliberately making his footsteps loud. "Well. Now that we're all here," Miles said pointedly at Bond; the latter gave a stare before taking his seat. M continued, "The Prime Minister has asked the Home Secretary to come and represent him today. The Home Secretary."

The man in question stood, "Gentlemen, and lady. Now, the tape that you're about to hear was received at ten Downing Street this morning."

With that, one of the military heads started the tape reader. An ominous voice rang out, "My dear Prime Minister, two atomic bombs, nunbers 456 and 457, which were aboard NATO flight 759, are now in the possession of SPECTRE. Over the next seven days, your government pays to us one hundred millions pounds Sterling, in manner to be designated by us. We shall destroy a major city in England or the United States of America," the Secretary looked up in alarm here, "please signal your acceptance of our terms by arranging for Big Ben to strike six times at seven pm tomorrow." It ended with a resounding click.

The Secretary spoke again, "The Prime Minister and the president, have talked together over the hotline and have agreed that unless the bombs are recovered payment will have to be made," he readjusted his tie here, "To avoid general panic, secrecy will be maintained, and no press announcements. The Prime Minister has asked that your department take charge of the operation." He sat down.

M spoke, "Thank you, sir. Sir John."

As Sir John stood, the projection board which he then walked to was a uncovered. The board displayed a map of Southeast Asia, along with what you assumed markings of the flying range of the jet in question. RI "This circle represents the full flying range of the Vulcan," the knight said, referring to projection, "Extensive search has not found any evidence of a crash or landing. Any worldwide reports have proved negative on all airfields large enough to handle the Vulcan. That's all we have, sir." He walked back to his seat.

"Thank you, Sir John," Miles said.

Well, I'll leave you to carry on. We'll keep you in touch from number ten," the Home Secretary announced, standing up and gathering his belongings alongside one of the military leaders.

"Thank you, sir," M said once more as the two gentlemen made their exeunt. Turning to the nine of you, he spoke, "You may now open the folders in front of you," you did so, looking through it as he spoke, "Code name: Thunderball. As you can see, we've very little to go on. All the members of the crew had top security clearance. You'll find their photographs and service records in your files. You'll be working with NATO, CIA, and all allied intelligence units.  Now, the way you work on this mission is going to be different from what you're used to - you're going to be working in teams," it took all your self-control as a double-oh agent to not react, "There are going to be three teams:  fouble-ohs one through three, double-ohs four through six, and double-ohs seven through nine.  That's all, until you discuss your individual assignments with me.  Now, I suggest that you familiarise yourself with each other.  This room is at your disposal for the next half an hour.  Just be sure to leave things as they are," M instructed before leaving.

You looked over at your two teammates.  You had made 008's acquaintance before, and actually were quite close to him.  So, the pair of you turned toward the seventh of your number, who had made his way to stand between your seats and held his hand out to 008.  "The name's Bond, James Bond," he introduced, shaking 008's hand.

"Michael Baines," 008 responded, nodding his head.

"(Y/n) (l/n).  Pleasure," you smiled politely as you shook James's outstretched hand.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful lady," the helpless womaniser commented, earning an eye roll from you, but also a smile because of how polite and respectfully he had said it.  Then, he told the two of you, "I apologise, but I need to speak to M.  I'll fill you in later."  With that, he walked of briskly, but not without a polite nod farewell.

Michael looked at you inquiringly and nodded toward you, silently asking you for your opinion on James.  "He's all right...bearable," you mused to yourself and Baines.  Your own eyebrow arching elicited a shrug of his own.

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