Let Me Sleep Please ;-; - Gil Grissom Self-Indulgence fic

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(A/N:  Rated 16+ for Hodges being a bit aroused by Wendy lol XD. I really did only fall asleep at 7 or 8 and woke up at 10.  The only difference is that I had to bump up am to pm. As always, I used "(y/n)" even though this is in first person because I don't want to use my real name.)

Gil was my boyfriend.  As yet, we were not living together.  So he was surprised when 11pm rolled around and I still had not shown up for my shift.  "Where is she?"  Conrad frowned, annoyed by everything as usual; he also did not approve of Grissom's and my supervisor-subordinate relationship, but since that was not against lab policy, he could not do anything.

"I don't know, Eck.  I'm sure she has a perfectly good reason," he said passive-aggressively as he put his phone to his ear.

Ecklie let out an irritated huff through his nose at the nickname Grissom used when he wanted to annoy him.  He understood that Grissom was being defensive of his lover.  He shook a finger at Grissom.  "Report to me when you've spoken to her."  He left.  Grissom merely rolled his eyes at him.

The shrill noise of my ringtone cut through the silence of my room.  I whined sharply and burrowed further underneath my blanket; I had a headache to due lack of sleep and the consistent high-pitched ringing was not helping. My headache quickly got worse; I put my pillow on my head to try to muffle the noise. It worked to a minimal extent. I did not want to leave the comfort of my bed to do anything about my phone. So, I suffered in silence until the ringing stopped. I let out a soft sigh of relief. However, just as I peeked out from my pillow, my phone rang again, causing me to cry out and shoot back under. "Ow..." I uttered, putting a hand to my head, for the hurried movement made it hurt even more. I resolved to stay hidden for the duration of the calls; three more came in before whoever was trying to reach me gave up. I knew that I had to at least tell a superior (whether that be my boyfriend or worse, Ecklie) that I would not be turning up, but I just could not bring myself to pick up the phone.  After a bit, I began to drift off again.

Grissom frowned harder when his girlfriend did not pick up for the fifth time and lowered his phone from his ear for the last time. "So?" Conrad voiced as he paced into the room, causing Grissom to turn around in surprise. Of course Ecklie had been hovering.

"She didn't pick up," Grissom said calmly as he put his phone in his pocket.

"Why not?" Ecklie demanded, frowning.

"You know I can't answer that question," Grissom replied as he reached for his jacket on his chair. He put it over his shoulder and held it with one finger as he walked away. "Anyway, I'll tell Catherine to take over for me." Conrad just gave a few nods.

Gil made his way to his girlfriend's house.  He headed to the bedroom.  He opened the door to find her bundled up in my blanket, which rose and fell slowly with her sleeping breaths.  He quietly walked over to the bed and sat down. It seemed that she had not sensed him. He put his hand on her shoulder and stroked it, both to show her affection and to wake her up.

I rolled over buried myself in him. "Gil..." I muttered.

"What's going on?" he murmured, stroking my head.

I pulled my face out of his soft belly so that he could hear me. "I only fell asleep at seven or eight and woke up at ten," I confessed.

His face softened, and I could hear it in his voice when he spoke, and felt it in the way he combed his fingers through my hair. "I see. Have you had any water to drink since then?" I shook my head as much as the pain would allow. "Alright," he said as he stood up, "I'll go get you a glass. You need to hydrate."

I stuck my fist up and signed, "Yes," not wanting to speak or move my head any more.

Gil had left the door open, and in the silence, I heard the sound of water falling into a mug. Since I was paying more attention, I heard his soft, tentative footsteps padding adorably to the room.  He sat on the bed next to me, and I heard the mug being placed on the bedside table.  "Here, sit up," he coaxed sweetly, helping to raise me, even putting a pillow against the headboard for me to lean on.  I smiled at him gratefully.  He handed me the mug, and I took a much-needed drink, finishing all the water in one go.  He took the vessel and put it on the table again.  "I'll stay with you until you fall asleep," he said, unbuttoning his shirt.  I smiled when I saw that Gil had his comfortable grey cotton shirt on.  He hung his shirt on a chair.  He took off his slacks as well and put that over his shirt, leaving him in his light blue boxer shorts.  He made his way over to the bed and settled in next to me.  I scooted up to his side and lay my head on his chest.  He put his arms around me.  We both did not say anything more, remaining silent so that I could fall asleep faster.  I did sleep quite soon, to the sound of his soothing breathing and heartbeat.

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