Feel Invincible - Mike Banning x Reader

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(A/N:  Inspired by AudrieBryant 's fic.  I can keep on fighting because I can follow Mike's lead. Writing is very...personal. Spoiler warning; if you haven't watched Olympus yet, you should before reading this.  Tw violence, gore, knives, blood, pretty much anything in canon. Guns and broken bones.)

The White House was under attack. Well, it was just another day in the life of a secret agent. Except that all the agents had lost their lives... You were the only one left. You had been with Conner at the time, and had pulled him into the hidden passageway within the walls as soon as the first blast sounded.  You held Conner, curling yourself around him and covering his ears. You stayed in that position until all the explosions and gunshots stopped.

Then, you texted your husband Mike 'I'm alive.' It appeared that he had just been about to text you as well, because you immediately got back a 'Thank god.' You were typing something else, but he sent a 'Where are you?' You were just about to tell him that. 'I'm in the walls of the Lincoln bedroom. Conner is with me.' You waited for him. He was taking a while; you found out why. 'Stay there. I'm coming for you. I WILL be there. I love you.' 'I love you too.' And that was the last the both of you texted.

Target on my back, lone survivor lasts
They got me in their sights
No surrender, no, trigger fingers go
Living the dangerous life

You waited quietly with Conner until the door opened.  Mike smiled and quickly closed the door so that he could hug you as soon as possible. "Hey..." You could hear him smiling, and his voice was emotional. You smiled too and closed your eyes, hiding your face in his chest while your arms were around his waist. You felt his hand lightly stroking your back, sending shivers through you. "I've found Sparkplug...and (y/n)," he said, foregoing professionalism and not bothering to hide his emotion.  You both kissed quickly before letting go.

Hey hey hey, everyday when I wake
I'm trying to get up, they're knocking me down
Chewing me up, spitting me out
Hey hey hey, when I need to be saved
You're making me strong, you're making me stand
Never will fall, never will end

Mike embraced Conner, and quietly told him what the three of you would be doing.

Shot like a rocket up into the sky, nothing can stop me tonight

As soon as shots were fired at the wall, you carried Conner and ran out into the next room, with Mike tugging on your arm.  He held his gun up and actually managed to shoot one of the invaders. You threw yourselves onto the floor behind the closed door. You put Conner down and aimed your pistol at the door just as Mike did. When nobody came, you raised yourselves to sit. Mike made a sort of grunting sound to ask if Conner was okay.  Conner affirmed it.  And the three of you were off again, with you carrying Conner and Mike having his gun at the ready while tugging your arm, passing around the corner and through the door to a recess just before the commandos came into the room.

You make me feel invincible, earthquake powerful
Just like a tidal wave, you make me brave
You're my titanium, fight song raising up
Like a roar of victory in a stadium
Who can touch me?  Cause I'm, I'm made of fire
Who can stop me tonight? I'm hard-wired
You make me feel invincible
I feel I feel it, invincible
I feel I feel it, invincible

The door opened on a short flight of stairs. They landed near a vent. Mike opened it as he spoke into his earpiece, telling the people at the Pentagon where Conner would be coming out of.  "How're you gonna fit through that?  You're coming with me right?"  Conner asked the adults.

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