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Japan woke up lying on a dirt road. He sat up, surrounded by two-story plants, but not on one side, as if it was a hallway of green. He stood up slowly. 'Where am I?' He thought to himself. The short man looked around, doing a 360 on the spot. Suddenly, there was a call from the right of Japan, who was facing the 'hallway'.

"Hey, is there anyone there?!"

Japan recognized the voice.

"Prussia, I'm here!" Japan could hear the Prussian sigh.

"Ah, you're here?!" A voice called from Japan's left, "Romano and I are here also!" Italy called.

"I am over here!" A heavy german voice called from the far right. "I'm here too, with the English grump!" America called out. Numerous voices called out; Canada, Russia, Spain and China could be heard by Japan.

"Anyone know why we are here?" Japan called out.

More 'No's' and 'i dont know' had replied.

Japan sighed and walked towards the left wall. He pushed aside the plants, trying to get to the other side and to Romano and Italy. His hand touched something cold, then a sharp shock when through his body. He let out a small Yelp, backing away. He inspected his slightly burned hand, feeling a bit lightheaded.

"D-Don't try to go through the walls!"

"Let's all try to meet in the middle!" Germany called out. There were multiple calls of agreement. Japan could hear footsteps in the distance.

This is the story of friends and foes, trying to get home.

Hope you enjoyed ^~^
Feedback would be great!

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