Chapter 37

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Germany stopped when he observed the wall that had gotten in their way up close. It was unlike any of the other walls, it being a pale grey wall which stood out against the nature that surrounded it. There were two doors, one on the left side and one on the right; both exactly symmetrical. In between the two doors there was a note.

"Go the right way and you will survive.
Go the left you will die.
Trust me, you will fail.
Don't and you will still meet demise."

The German glared at the paper he had read from, Italy and Romano waiting in the background. "Well what the fuck does that mean?" Italy asked, supplying enough swear words to the conversation to make up for Romano's lack of. It surprised Germany for he wasn't used to hearing Italy swear. The was a pause in the conversation. Germany felt a wave of dizziness sweep over him, causing him to sit down. "Are you okay?" Italy asked, holding onto the blonde's hand tightly. "Yes." Germany replied, "it's just- well- this is- new." The German seemed to be having problems trying to form a proper sentience. "We seem to be so close... This is new..." Italy mused in agreement with Germany, when Romano squeezed Italy's hand. The tomato loving man was closer to the note.

Russia had picked China back up, trying to make sure if the Chinese man was able to breathe. He held China with one arm underneath while the other was supporting the smaller man's back, with China's head was resting on Russia's shoulder, their chests facing each other. China still slept, his breathing uneven. Russia walked onwards, towards the sliver of light he was more certain with every step that it was real.

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