Chapter 15

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Germany watched as the sun slowly rose, waking up Italy. He sighed as Italy sat up. There was a pause, before Italy softly spoke up. "Do you hear that..?" Germany paused, listening, then simply asked "what are you talking about?" The German could see that the Italian was starting to panic. The Italian stood up, wobbling, immediately followed by Germany, who grabbed his arms. "You shouldn't be standing!" The blonde could see the wounds starting to reopen. "Italy what's wrong?!"

The three around the campfire watched in silence as the sun rose. "I guess it's time to check out your wounds," China softly commented. The Prussian nodded and laid flat on the ground. "Just this once, I'll let you even look at the awesome me."

America climbed back down the wall onto his road, still holding onto England. "C'mon England," America whined while holding England. "Stop being like this. You're heavier then you think." He half expected England to jerk awake and yell at him for saying that, but nothing happened. America continued down the road.

Romano sighed as he saw the sun rise. "God, I'm fucking hungry." He shook Spain, who didn't respond. He started to shake the man harder, in attempts to wake him up.

Japan stood up shakily, still hidden between the two walls. He accidentally leaned to far to one side, getting shocked again from the metal wall. He could hear a ringing in his right ear. He touched it and looked at his hand to only find blood on it. He sighed and got out of his hiding place, and continued down the path.

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