Chapter 32

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"Cmon, let's keep going!" Italy exclaimed, hoping to keep the mood up. Romano squeezed Italy's hand in response, and glanced back at Germany, who was still sitting on the ground. Romano was still in some sort of shock from Spain passing, but he could still see that the man looked paler then usual. "Ready Luddy?" Italy asked, unaware of how the german looked. Germany nodded as he stood up, but remembered that Italy couldn't see. "Ah, Yes." He said. Romano could see the strain in the German's eyes as he stared at him. Germany looked away in shame at his weakness. He picked up Japan, the German still refusing to leave him behind. He held Japan in one arm, but needed a moment before he was able to focus and walk. Germany grabbed Italy's other hand as the three continued on.

Canada was overjoyed to see three figures- moving figures that is. He quickly climbed down the wall, a calm state flushing into the man again, but his anger not forgotten.

Russia sighed as he saw nothing that he could step on. He then pushed one leg onto one side of the wall, his arm on the other. "What are you doing?" China asked softly. "Getting across." Russia replied, himself almost completely horizontal with the lava. He slowly shuffled along the wall, successfully getting to the other side. "Now you," Russia said. "Fine, but I do it my own way." China responded. "If you must." Russia smiled. China backed up, and as Russia realized what China was doing, sprinted towards the lava, leaping through the air.

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