Chapter 42

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Russia looked up to the three others, a small plead for help visible on his face. Romano felt bad for the Russian, no one still alive knew much about injuries. Germany knelt down beside China, trying to help but the man's condition didn't change. The two brothers sat beside China too, all watching powerless as China's condition started to worsen, coughing up more blood. Russia wiped away any blood that had gotten onto the Chinese man's face with his sleeve, a sorrowful look on his face. "C'mon, China, we're so close now, don't die here..." Russia said quietly under his breath, knowing if they moved the man it would only make it worse, possibly killing him faster. Instead the four sat in silence as eventually the man died, his breathing stopping as a last trail of blood trickled out. Russia picked up the man, muttering a simple "let's go," before he started to walk quickly down the hallway. He was followed by Germany, Italy and Romano. The four alive reached the door, a note plastered on it. "Onwards to home, you winners!" Russia read, followed by a look of disgust. "Winners?" He spat out the word. Germany glared at the note. "That term is so wrong on so many levels." Italy squeezed Romano's hand. "At least now we can get out.... And tell everyone about this place... And burn it down to ashes so we never have to see this hell again." As Italy spoke, he got angrier. "Let's go." The Russian repeated, opening the door. They were met with a command centre, with people looking at them. Germany angrily walked up to the nearest person, about to give them one of his famous hour long speeches, but then something very hard hit him from behind on his lower back. He fell over, and was hit again in the same spot. He was then shot with a dart, it still in his arm being the last thing he saw before he blacked out. The others had been all hit with darts also, but not beaten because they didn't seem to threat anyone when they enter.

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