Chapter 5

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Germany walked down his road, thinking to himself. "His eyes were attacked quite a lot... I wonder if they were damaged.. He might end up blind.. That wouldn't be good." The German man sighed. A voice called from his arms, a weak and raspy one.


Germany looked down at Italy, who was panically trying to look around.

"Hallo, Italy."

Italy perked up slightly. "G-Germany? Why is it so dark? Is it night?" Germany shook his head, only to remember that Italy could not see him. "Nien, it isn't night. Your eyes are wrapped up. They were bleeding badly. For this reason I cannot take off the bandages also." Italy nodded slowly taking in the new information.

The creature before England was the height of upright bear but looked more slender. its neck was long and it's head hung low. it had wide hands and feet it's claws shining in the sun like knives. it's muzzle was long like a horse but it nose almost slowly looked around. England watched, scared. He silently hoped that America would come back soon.

Prussia groggily woke up, the pain still in his chest. He sat up slowly, only to realize that the wall that used to be there was now gone. He stood up and started to walk down the new path.

Russia was waist deep in quicksand. He had stopped calling out for help, now focusing on trying to get out of this slow death trap.

But what he didn't know was that his calls were heard. Canada made his way up the wall leaving a resting China.

Spain stopped walking. Romano looked at the Spanish man confused. "it's going to be sundown soon," Spain said, "we should get a camp set up." Romano nodded and followed the other man's lead.

Japan turned around to head back, thinking perhaps that going back could hep him figure out what to do next. He was greeted by another wall. Japan worriedly glanced around. He looked back to the newly formed wall. He blinked in confusion, thinking the wall seemed... closer. Suddenly, he put two and two together. "I'm going to be squished!"

The Sound of Steps On A PathOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora