Chapter 24

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Germany patted Italy's back, holding onto him as if he let go this place would take another friend of his. Italy sobbed, the pain of losing a close friend really shaking his emotions. The German had stopped crying, and just sat there, still trying to think of what was next.

Canada let out a small sigh, his sobs completely stopping. "There, better?" The Canadian nodded, keeping his eyes closed for he didn't quite want to return to the maze-like place. Suddenly, Prussia put all his weight onto the Canadian, causing the winter nation to stumble back and hold onto Prussia. "That's not how hugs work." He opened his eyes to glare at the Prussian, but was met by something that was no longer there. By that, I mean, is the Prussian's head. Canada screamed, accidentally dropping Prussia, who fell a few feet away from where his head had landed. Behind where the Prussian was standing was a creature, most likely one of the same ones the Albino was talking about earlier. The claw of the creature was soaked in blood, no doubt in the world that it was Prussia's. Canada whipped out a gun (which was a present from England) and fired multiple shots at the creature, enough to kill three of the creatures. The Canadian lowered his gun, his breath coming out in small pants. He sunk to his knees, his legs no longer willing to hold him up.

Russia smiled down at China, who turned away. "Any idea on how to get out?" Russia shrugged. "This place is odd. You can say certain commands and they happen, but say a command like 'let us leave' then it'll send some electricity into you. It hurts." China looked back to him. "What do you mean, 'commands'?" The Russian smiled, and turned to the wall. "Food, please." The wall jutted out and moved aside, revealing a tray of sandwiches. The tray was placed on the floor by machines, then went back to its original state. China gasped, and rushed over to the food. "This is so weird!" He picked up a sandwich and started eating.

Spain finally couldn't hear any more noises. He glanced down, and only saw Romano laying there. He immediately started to climb down, his worry and dread pilling up.

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