Chapter 43

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The four of them woke up in a place they hadn't expected to be- the meeting place for the world summit. Russia sat up and grimaced. "They took China..." Germany still laid on the floor, facing the ceiling. "It's to be expected.... For their 'collection'." Italy and Romano were sitting side by side on the ground, Italy leaning against Romano. "Their collection." Italy growled the last word. "Well first thing is first, we need to get medical care." Russia said standing up. "I agree." Germany said, still laying there. Italy stood up, along with Romano. "Any day now Germany." Russia said, sounding a bit pissed off." Germany just stared at the ceiling worriedly. "Y-yeah... W-well... C-can someone c-carry me?

I c-can't move my legs."


Epilogue is coming very soon, and I highly recommend that you read it.

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