Chapter 40

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Before the five could catch up, the door that they had not came from creaked open, as if urging them on. "This should be the way out- I mean- it would make sense because they have seemed to gather us." Russia said. "Shouldn't we wait for everyone?" China asked through a couple of wheezed breaths. Italy spoke up. "I don't think you've noticed... But.... We are everyone." This brought a silence onto the entire crowd. Russia patted China's back with great care, so he wouldn't hurt the man sitting but only comfort him. China's thoughts had flown back to Japan, and the Russian could tell by the expression on China's face for it was the same as earlier. "We found out about Prussia, Japan, America and England before.." Russia said quietly, informing the others. "It's time we meet the bastards behind this all and make them experience hell like we did." China said angrily, standing up only to lean into Russia for support. "I agree." Germany nodded, but then shook his head to clear the pounding the best he could. Italy and Romano both nodded in agreement, Romano still clutching onto Italy's hand for dear life. They all went through the door.

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