Chapter 14

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Germany watched as the shadows flickered, along with the flame. He waited, sitting on the dirt ground with Italy still close.

Canada and China glanced away. "I mean you have his scarf so I mean he should be with you right? He always wears that scarf thou- oh..." Prussia figured out what the two glancing at the ground meant. China sniffled slightly. Canada watched the eldest nation, a strange sad tone in his eyes. "Hey China, why don't you get some sleep.... Me and Prussia will keep watch." China nodded and curled up, falling asleep quickly with the scarf still around him. "What's wrong?" The Prussian asked almost instantly after China fell asleep. Canada kept his eyes trained on the ground. "It's just......." The Canadian started but stopped. "Just....." The Prussian gave him a comforting nudge. "Just...... If you weren't there with these creatures you speak of....... Then..... They would of found China, and he'd be dead..... And I would of been at fault for two deaths." The Prussian sighed. "Canada, I'm sure the way Russia died was at only his own fault. You can't blame yourself for that. And yes, China could of died. But he didn't. So stop beating yourself up on it. It didn't happen, so don't reflect on it." The Prussian smiled. Canada shook his head, tearing up. "But I could of stopped him! I knew it was dangerous I could feel it in my gut! But... I didn't.... And now he's... Gone... I'm such an idiot! Why didn't I stop him!" "Canada calm down." The two that we speaking to each other looked over to China, who was sitting up. "I'm at fault too. I shouldn't have been sleeping. So stop thinking that it's all your fault, because it isn't." Canada nodded silently, as quiet came upon the three.

America hugged England closer, trying hard to keep England warm.

Romano sighed as memories from earlier started to flow back into his mind. "Dammit.... What is the purpose of being an older brother if I couldn't protect him..." Romano slammed his fist against the ground.

Japan sat there, thinking, for he had nothing else to do. His stomach rumbled. 'Right..... I haven't eaten today.... That could be dangerous for everyone. But more importantly, we have to find water... Without, we will die just from dehydration.' Japan sighed, noting how he was parched.

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