Chapter 6

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Germany continued down the path, the Italian in his arms. He had removed the bandages from around Italy's mouth so the man could talk. The two made small chit chat, making the situation a little more happier.

The Prussian man continued down the new path, walking at a slow pace. he turned a corner to find two creatures up ahead. He turned to leave when he saw that a wall had appeared behind him, boxing him in. The creatures noticed the Prussian man. Prussia noted that the creatures saw him and slowly drew his sword to attack.

England watched as the creature looked around slowly. He heard pitter patter noises in the distance, followed by a shout. "Hey England!" The British man silently cursed, knowing if he yelled back, the creature would find him. "England?!" America yelled. England could hear leaves rusting, knowing that the younger nation climbing the wall. he waited silently.

Russia stopped struggling, now the sand was at his mouth. He continued to try to breathe, by positioning his head in different ways. The Russian man closed his eyes and held his breath as he went completely under.

Canada was at the top of the wall, quickly trying to make his way down. Russia tried to take a breath in, unable to hold it any longer, and was greeted harshly by sand. The Canadian scurried over where the Russian was careful not to fall in also. He grabbed the scarf, the only thing above ground that represented the tall man left. He gave the scarf a giant tug.

Spain leaned against the older brother of the two Italians. They both sat under a small shelter by a fire, that the duo had made.

Japan started to climb the wall, the wall starting to close in. Truly it was a race against time.

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