Chapter 27

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Germany stopped to take a break, the weight of two bodies along with his own being harder then one. He sat down beside Italy, setting down Japan with great care. He turned into the nook of his elbow as he coughed harshly. Italy frowned. "That doesn't sound too good..." He said, general concern filled his voice. "I'll be fine. We just need to get out of here and I'll-" he was interrupted by another coughing fit. "You should rest for a bit, Captain." "Nonsense. We will get going soon, I promise." Italy sighed. "At least take a little siesta, please?" Germany frowned. "Fine.... Wake me up if you hear anything."

Canada stared in shock. He knew the two weren't merely sleeping; it was too obvious that the two closest to the Canadian's heart -and in this mess with him- were dead. He wanted to scream, but nothing came out. He moved to walk to the next path over, when the wall fell down, bringing him almost right next to the two. He shook all over as he stared at them, now seeing up close what had happened.

China rolled over, awake but unwilling to move. 'Why him? He hasn't really done much to anybody. Why of everyone, him? Why?' China rolled back, to feel the warmth of a hand touch his shoulder. "I think the machines are broken now. Maybe we can leave." China stared dully to the wall. ".... What's the point?" The Russian seemed angry with the Chinese man. "The point? You are an idiot, aren't you? We need to get out of here. That is the point." The Chinese man simply stared at the wall and stated "what's the point of leaving?" Russia got even more mad. "Stop this fucking instant China. You have a family to get back to. It might not be as whole, but it's still a fucking family and if you're not there with them they will be upset. Now get the fuck up, or I will carry you myself." China paused. He stood up, brushed himself off, and handed Russia his scarf. "Sorry to have kept you waiting." The Russian smiled.

"It's fine."

Spain stood up and helped Romano up. "Let's go then." They quickly climbed over the wall. Spain sighed in relief as he looked to Romano. "Allons-y!" Romano rolled his eyes.

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