Chapter 10

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Germany continued to watch, clearly focused. It took him a couple of moments to realize that Italy was moving in his sleep. He looked down at the younger man. He was whimpering slightly at the moment. Germany reached out to touch the sleeping man, but when his fingers brushed Italy's arm, the man whimpered louder, causing the German to jerk away. Germany shook Italy's arm after realizing that he wasn't hurting him. Italy whimpered loudly and woke up with a small scream . Italy jerked up, so he was sitting next to Germany. For a moment there was silence. All you could hear was fire crackling and Italy's heavy breathing, that were also associated with some small sobs. The German didn't really didn't know what to do, especially because Italy couldn't see him. Germany, unsure what else to do, slowly pulled Italy into a hug in a gentle fashion. Italy hugged back, hiding in the arms of the larger man from all the horrors of this experience.

Prussia gasped for air, really losing his breath from constantly moving to dodge. Suddenly an inhuman wail sounded in the distance. The creature's immediately wailed back in fear and ran off, leaving a confused and injured Prussian.

America rushed over in the moonlit night. He easily lifted the creature off of England and threw it aside. He bent down to the nation, kneeling beside the unusually pale man. He checked for a pulse, but couldn't find one. He checked for breathing. Nothing. America could feel dread sink into the back of his mind, but he ignored it. He took off his bomber jacket and started to rip apart his uniform. He laughed quietly as he thought what England would say if he could see him ripping apart perfectly good clothes. "He's not dead...." America quietly said to himself, starting to dress the wounds.

China and Canada continued to walk. There were more alert now more then ever, and weren't so trusting to the maze.

Spain kept watch, starting to get sleepy. He kept himself awake by humming tunes.

Japan dragged himself to the wall, hiding himself between the two walls. Felling confident about his hiding spot. He let sleep take over, feeling safe enough that he would wake up unharmed.

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