Chapter 39

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The three in question walked down the path way, the decline causing each one of them to stumble at least once. They came to a door, and entered into a room with two other doors. Before they could make heads or tails of it, there was a slight creak of a door.

Russia opened the door slowly, surprised to see Germany, Romano, and Italy. "Oh, Hello!~" the Russian man greeted, waving. He still wore that cheerful smile, as if to lighten the mood. "Ha.... It's only you Russia. And.... China?" The German looked at the two. "Hi." China wheezed out. "Try to take a bit of a rest. Don't use your voice, China." Russia said, setting the Chinese man down. Germany watched. "I guess we have a lot of catching up to do then." Romano nodded at the Blonde's statement. "Are you two okay?" Italy asked worriedly. Russia nodded. ".....Hmm?" Italy said. Russia noticed the bandages around Italy's eyes, along with the bandages around Romano's neck. "Yes Italy, we are both okay. Well I am- China has injured his foot and broken a few ribs." Russia said, softly patting the long haired man who he was talking about.

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