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After that, those who survived went to the hospital, Germany was carried out by Russia. When they arrived, they were treated. Unfortunately, Germany couldn't move his left leg, but could move his right after all the surgery the doctors could do on him, he being now a monoplegic. Italy had his eyes treated along with Romano's neck. Again, fortune wasn't on our side as Romano won't be able to speak much, and when he can it's only a few words before his voice fades out. Italy didn't turn out blind, no, but his eyes were wrapped up for awhile. Russia was in the best condition of all the four, but didn't leave the hospital, refusing to see the other oblivious countries without the survivors. The four of them had plotted out what to say together, writing everything out. One day Russia went home to get a change of clothes, and let's just say, he was never more happy to see his family and friends, even if they were distant to him. He left without telling them anything about the others. They all planed out everything.

That brings us to a couple of weeks later.

Taiwan sat on the couch, typing away on her keyboard, trying to research. She quickly shot up as the doorbell rang, running to the door with her laptop forgotten on the desk. She opened it.

There stood Russia at the door.

"H-Hello," Taiwan said, waving shyly. She tilted her head slightly wondering why the tall man was here at such a disastrous time. Two of her siblings were missing, there was no time to lose. "May I come in?" Russia asked quietly, his mouth fixed in a straight line making the man look serious. A gust of wind played with both countries' hair, but nether reacted. Figuring the man had something important to do or just wanted to visit she nodded. "Y-yes." Taiwan the answered, the unusual appearance of the large nation making her worried to the point of her stomach hurting. The Russian entered the house slowly, staring at the ground as he did only making Taiwan more nervous. "Are your siblings home?" Russia asked, his expression not changing. Taiwan nodded, the worrying appearance of Russia making her feel to sick to speak. "Can you get them?" Russia asked. Taiwan nodded.she then realized;

"Is this abou-"

Russia stared at her coldly, making her stop in her tracks. She only nodded and went upstairs quickly to find her siblings. She came down with Hong Kong, and South Korea. "Can we all sit please?" Russia asked, his expression still seeming to be like rock as he spoke. The countries all went and sat, the Russian sitting opposite of the Asians. Without a word, he handed them a sealed envelope. There was a dull pause as they stared at the envelope in confusion. "I didn't want to wait until the next world meeting." Was all the Russian said to try and remove confusion. Even more curious, Taiwan worked on opening the envelope. They didn't notice, but Russia's expression had changed to a more grim one. There was more silence that followed when the three read the letter. The Russian almost started crying, knowing exactly what was on the letter. He had written it with Germany.

I'm sorry;

Dear Asian family, we are sorry to say that China and Japan have both died in a freak accident. We had all been almost killed, only ones remaining out of 12 being Russia, Italy, Romano, and Germany. It is Germany and Russia who is writing this letter now.

I want you to know how Japan died. He was attacked by creatures- strange bear like ones. He was wounded and I tried to patch him up, but I failed to notice a creature coming to strike my head off. In his final moment he had saved my life. I am forever in his debt.

The handwriting switched to a bit of a more feathery one, the Russian's. He had written the last part, so nobody but the family would see it.

China was a great man. Even in this place we all got stuck in, he was a good friend. When he found out Japan died, he was devastated. But he carried on, to see you guys. He had broken a couple of ribs at some point, but he was still powering through. He burned his foot trying to get over it, but we still went through. I'd like to say that he died in a great battle in the end, but sadly that wasn't the case. In the end, we had seen something we hadn't expected.... That is, everyone who died, their body's in containers like trophies. China had ran over to Japan's, and started to freak out slightly, the same with when he first found out Japan was dead. This time was different, his condition was making it worse so even when he passed out it still carried on. He coughed up a lot of blood, struggling to breathe. In the end, there was nothing I could do but watched. If I moved him, it'd surely hurt him. He died there, with us all surrounding him. I tried to at least take him home with us. But we were stripped of that too. China was a strong man, he had powered through many things. I'm deeply sorry. I want to help you guys, if you'd allow me. I want to help in any way I can. Please, let me know.

The Asians looked up from the letter, almost expecting, no hoping- that it was a joke. When they saw Russia's serious face, they all knew.

This was no joke.

"I'm so sorry." The Russian said, tears starting to fill his eyes as the other three mourned.

The day was 27 of October. Italy was laying in bed, fiddling with the sheets not wanting to get up. "Italy, come down its breakfast time." Germany called out from downstairs. Italy sprung up and ran downstairs, all tiredness gone from him. He sat opposite of the German. "This is awkward. " the blonde said, tilting his head towards the third empty chair with a frown before eating another piece of egg he had cooked. Italy nodded. "I don't think I'll get used to it." The man smiled slightly as he looked to the chair, recalling fond memories. "Eat before it gets cold." Germany said, snapping Italy out of his thoughts. "Aye captain!" He exclaimed before starting to scarf down his food. He suddenly stopped between gulps, dropping his fork onto the table and staring at the blank table cloth in shock. He heard something he never expected nor wanted to hear again. "All right, systems are back up, we are back in business again!" A voice stated, Italy hearing it all to clearly. "Italy?" Germany said concerned, grabbing the Italian's hand. Romano bursted into the room. He grabbed onto Italy.

"Tell me it's not I think it is, tell me you hear it too!" Romano yelled, his voice raspy. Italy held onto his brother.

"Now, which group is next?" The voice asked in a sickly sweet tone.

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