Chapter 36

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The three walked on, careful not to forget each other. They did not let go of their friends. Germany's step were sluggish and in a limp, while Italy would trip on occasion due to not being able to see. Romano was inconsistent with his speed, pausing, then catching up quickly, then pausing again and so on. The German squinted in the distance and could see the end of the path.

You can bet any amount of money the Russia was worried for the Chinese man who was resting on his back started to breath quickly, as if struggling to do so. He set the sleeping man down, the man whimpering quietly in his sleep. The Russian man started to feel the Chinese man's chest for any abnormalities; broken bones, etc. he could feel a couple of ribs that were broken. The man on the ground jerked, and started coughing. The Russian turned the Chinese man to his side, knowing that if something was choking him rolling him to the side was the best way to help. Russia started to check the backside for any abnormalities too. China stopped coughing, a trail of blood leaving his mouth only made the Russian's concern deeper.

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