Chapter 25

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Germany picked up Italy, knowing the next step was to move onward. Italy silently hung onto Germany. The blonde glanced at the Japanese man's body. Without a word, Germany changed the way he was holding Italy so he was only using one arm. With the other, he held Japan. Italy could smell the strong scent of blood. "Captain..?" "We will bury him properly when we get out of this place." Germany's voice held no emotion, but Italy knew that this was Germany paying respect and mourning. Italy nodded and held onto Germany tightly. They continued on.

Canada sobbed and held his face in his hands. He knew he was responsible. Prussia wouldn't have died there is Canada was crying. Canada stood up slowly, a glint in his eye. It was something that could cause many to tremble in fear. Canada marched on, shutting out his emotions but at the same time letting his emotions fill him up with determination.

'I'm going to make them pay for what they did, who ever they are. They. Will. Pay.'

Russia smiled slightly. "They want us to stay here, da?" China nodded in agreement. "Oh, have you tried something about the others yet?"China asked. The Russian shook his head. "Let us see the others!" China announced. A large screen appeared in front of the two. It first showed a picture of America, his neck in an impossible angle and slightly burnt, along with England who was bloody still and also burnt. China and Russia both were shocked. The picture changed to the Prussian, his head and body both effectively shown in the shot. China put a hand over his mouth, feeling lightheaded, but didn't look away. He couldn't. It switched over to Axis, Germany holding both Italy and Japan while still walking. Italy's eyes were wrapped up and Japan's clothes were bloodied. Audio switched on. "We will bury him properly when we get out of this place. " Italy nodded. China felt sick to his stomach, as he stared in horror. He noted how pale Japan was. How much blood the nation had lost. How he wasn't moving. China started to hyperventilate, the demise starting to sink in. Russia turn China away from the screen, and towards him. China looked at the large nation with lost, afraid, and hopeless eyes. The Chinese man continued to hyperventilate, as the Russian tried to calm him down. The small man passed out.

Spain ran over to Romano. 'He is still breathing, thank god!' The Spanish man noted that every time Romano exhaled, some blood would squirt out from a wound that was inflicted on his neck. Spain took off his coat and tore it to shreds as he wrapped up Romano's neck and head. Spain was careful with Romano's head, for in the back he was bleeding slightly from the fall. Spain sat there for a bit, prepared in any moment to get running with Romano again. But this time, he'd be sure that both of them made it out together.

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