Chapter 34

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Canada took a shaky breath in. "Russia was first, drowned in quicksand. Then China, unknown where he went, most likely dead. Prussia was comforting me and was decapitated. America and England also are dead, America snapped his neck, England was attacked somehow." Canada looked up and noticed Germany, who was pale and shaking slightly. There was a lump in the German's throat, causing him to not be able to speak. Grief took over as he let out a small choked sob. Italy heard it and hugged the ice blue-Eyed man tightly, letting go of Romano in the process. Panic took over Romano as he latched onto Italy. He refused to let go of Italy, same with Italy refusing to let go of the grieving German. "I said I would go back for him Verdammt..." He muttered, his voice shaking. "I should of went back for him!" He said louder, his voice hinting at clear anger and sorrow. Canada watched, realizing the close relationship between Germany and the Prussian. The Canadian lowered his head. "It was all my fault... If I wasn't being stupid or selfish, they wouldn't of died.... It's all my fault... We probably won't make it out alive!" The Canadian stood up slowly. Nobody noticed as the Canadian stood in front of the three. Italy was trying to comfort Germany, Germany was grieving ((if I say he was crying Germany is going to punch me but he was a bit- is punched)), and Romano's mind was clouded with panic still worried about his brother leaving him if he let go. "We're not going to make it out are we?!" The Canadian asked loudly. "I'm sure we can get out-" Italy started softly, but the Canadian interrupted. "I'm not letting this- this- HELLHOLE take my life! Not this way!" The Canadian shouted, wanting the world to know. He whipped out his gun the same moment The others realized what he meant and what was happening. It was too late. A gunshot rang through the air, and the Canadian slumped to the ground, a bullet hole straight through his head and a triumphant smile on his face. The next sound was Italy screaming, shock settling in.

Russia stood up, pulling China up also. He started to set China down, but China cringed and let out a loud whimper as his injured foot touched the ground. He set China down near the wall, so he could lean against the wall while standing on one foot. He turned around and kneeled in front of the Chinese man, his back to the man standing. "Get on my back," Russia said. China climbed onto the Russian, now being carried piggy-back style. They continued on like so.

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