Chapter 9

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Germany watched the darkness closely, not making a sound. It was as if there were creatures looming right there, prepared to attack.

Prussia started to take more hits, barely doing anything but defend. The creature's claws raked him all over.

America watched unmoving as the bullet that he sent through the creature's head started to take it's toll. The creature dropped England with a dying wail. It fell on top of the shorter man. America was frozen slightly at what just happened, but snapped out of it and started to climb down making a small mental note that he himself didn't notice until he reached the bottom.

England was not moving, even to breathe.

Canada safely got to the other side, back to the still-sleeping China. The Canadian shook the Chinese man awake. China was disoriented at first, and first saw the scarf. "Russia...?" He said, half asleep. The Canadian shook his head, unable to speak without letting out a sob due to the shock of losing a fellow nation- no- a fellow friend. China rubbed his eyes, then saw a clear view of Canada. "Canada...? Where's Russia?" Canada just shook his head again, stray tears starting to fall and get soaked up into the scarf. China realized what this meant and started to tear up also. "...How?" Canada took a shaky breath in. "Quicksand..." China shook his head. "I tried my hardest.... But.. I was too late." The Canadian silently took the scarf and rewrapped it around the two of them. China stood up, helping Canada up also. "Let's go on..... Russia would at least want us out of here, I think." China and Canada walked onwards.

Spain patted Romano on the back. "You shouldn't worry so much, Lovi. It is unhealthy." Romano glared at him. "What do you know, dammit?! God, you haven't seen what this hell hole can do!" Romano looked away, the earlier images still hovering in his mind. Spain paused for a moment. ".... Get some rest. I'll keep watch, and I'll wake you up if I hear anything." Spain said and smiled at Romano. "Fine. Wake me up if you hear anything, you idiot." Romano leaned against Spain and tried to go to sleep.

Japan sat on the wall, starting to feel drowsy due to the blood loss he went though. He sighed as he watched the other areas. He could see a fire in the distance. He continued to look on, trying to find an exit of some sort. Suddenly, the wall moved down, sending Japan back to the ground. He sighed and winced as he accidentally banged his leg on the floor.

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