Chapter 19

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The German rushed over to Japan, realizing it was the man-but more importantly, he was injured. He quickly walked over. Japan stopped walking, seeing as Germany was walking over. He grabbed onto his own arm, as if trying to balance his wobbly self for he was starting to feel light headed. "Japan? What happened to you?" Japan nodded in the direction Italy was. "How about we sit down and we will tell each other our stories. I don't know how much longer I can stay standing up. " the German nodded and helped Japan over, but didn't hear Japan as he quietly gasp as he heard things that Germany couldn't. 'Is this.... The enemy's command system...? Then.... Spain and Romano... And... Something else... I can't quite hear...' Japan focused more, accidentally stumbling to the ground.

China started to calm down slightly, knowing panicking will not help. He glared at the ground, thinking of soothing thoughts trying to calm down. Suddenly, the ground from the new wall slowly started to disappear. China backed away, and started to run away from the rapidly falling ground. He let out a scream as he stepped into nothing, falling into nothingness.

Canada and Prussia could hear the scream, knowing that China was most likely the next target, for some strange reason. Canada quickly climbed the wall to see nothing but the plain ground. No China. No blood. The Canadian climbed back down, confused.

America was starting to lose hope, though he himself didn't realize it. His steps were sluggish, for he hadn't sleep and was slightly dehydrated. His path seemed endless, as did the heat from the sun. "That's it I need a break!" He moved to a shady part of the path, sitting down in the wall's shade.

Now fully alert, Spain was running faster then Romano (surprisingly- the Italian was quite fast) and the younger was starting to slip behind. Romano suddenly tripped, almost pulling Spain down himself. Spain quickly picked up Romano bridal style, who didn't object for he was starting to tire himself.

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