Chapter 1

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"This is scary, fratello..." Italy said, walking along side Romano. The elder brother nodded in agreement. They arrived at a split in the road. "Let's go left!~" Italy exclaimed. "That is irrational!" His brother snapped back. "We are on the left side, so why would we head further from the middle?!"

Before anything else could be said, Romano dragged Italy to the right road. As soon as they had made it, a loud rumble sounded from behind them. The two turned around to see a wall in the place where they had just came from. "What the Hell!" Romano shouted. Italy nodded. "No going back now." The two brothers continued to walk.

"Bloody hell," England murmured, following an energetic America. "What's wrong?" America asked. "It's nothing. I just feel.... Off. It feels as though something is draining my magic..." England said, a hint of sleep in his voice. America sighed. "I thought you would be more serious in a situation like this, England. If you are tired, just say so!" America pouted and looked away. "I am being serious!"

"No your not if you are going on about those mystical creatures that aren't real!"

"I'm not lying, you idiot! They are real!" England blindly stormed off. "Wait!" America called after him. England had stormed into the right side of a split in their road."What the f-" England was saying while turning around, but was cut off by a wall rising and separating the two. "Are you okay Iggy?!" America called. "Yes! And don't call me that!" England called from the other side, "let's meet in the middle, like Germany said!" America agreed and started down the left path.

"Hey west!~" the Prussian called, knowing Germany was on the other path. "Ja?" Germany called back. "Hi there~" Prussia called. He noticed up ahead his road turned right. Prussia's eyes lit up in delight, thinking he would be meeting up with his brother. He turned around the corner, only to be greeted by another wall of green. "What the hell?" Prussia said loudly.

"What is it?"

"My road just ends!"


"I'm trapped! It just stops!" The Prussian looked around nervously. "Can you climb it?"

"You think I can't?!" Prussia started to climb the wall slowly but steadily. About half way up, the man lost his footing and fell, careful to gaurd his head. He landed on his back, letting out a pain-filled Yelp. "Are you okay?" Germany called out worriedly. Prussia sat up. "Ja, I am.... Go and get help, I don't want you getting hurt west." Germany sighed, not willing to argue that he could safely climb. "I will. I promise I will come back for you. I'm not leaving this place without you." Germany ran off. "Good..." Prussia said to himself, resting on the ground. He put a hand over his chest, and closed his eyes.

China and Russia were together, walking along. "Why must I be with you?" China asked, annoyed. "I'm here too, guys..." A soft voice called from behind the two. Russia and China turned around to look at Canada. Russia waved at the Canadian man, while China looked confused. "Since when were you here?" The Chinese man asked. "I was always here... Let's keep going Eh...."

The three of them walked on.

The Spanish man in our story walked along quietly, glancing around. "This is pretty creepy..." He stated. His path took a right turn, much to his delight, being on the left it was a sign that perhaps he'd end up in the middle. He turned down the path, silently cheering for everyone.

Japan walked along, holding his burnt hand with the other. The lightheaded feeling he had earlier had died down, but wasn't completely gone. His road split into three when he reached his first choice. He took the road on the left, reasoning the road on the middle was too obvious. He walked along, the maze closing him off from the other roads.

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