Chapter 33

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Germany stared at the ground, his steps a bit wobbly. Romano glanced at the german again, noticing. Germany's grip on the Japanese man was also slipping. Suddenly, out of seemingly nowhere, a certain Canadian quickly sprinted over to the three of them, roughly hug-tackling the first person he could which was the German. It sent Germany, Canada and Japan all to the ground. Japan fell out of the German's grip, rolling away. Canada immediately broke into sobs, clutching onto Germany tightly. Italy turned on the spot. "What was that?!" He asked panicked, for he noted the Blonde's hand was no longer in his own. Canada sniffled as he sat up, next to Germany, who was still dazed at the sudden fall. "S-s-sorry! I-it was me!" Canada blubbered out quickly. "Canada, right?" Italy asked. Canada nodded. "...Right?" Italy asked again. This was when the northern nation noticed that Italy's eyes were bandaged up. "Y-Yes." Canada replied shyly. He glanced around to everyone. His eyes stopped wandering and his face paled when he saw Japan. "....Japan...?" He whispered. "He died.. Saving my life.." Germany said, sitting up. Canada couldn't help but panic slightly. "It was in vain wasn't it? We are all going to die aren't we? So many already are gone, what will happen to the rest of us?" Everyone stared at the Canadian. "Who... Who is gone..?" Italy asked, as silence fell over, his voice barely above a whisper.

China leaped through the air, glancing down at the lava. With a look of horror he realized that he was just going to fall short. He let out a scream as a foot that was gliding behind him hit the lava. He closed his eyes, thinking it was the end, until he felt a pair of strong arms pull him to safety. They both fell over, China landing on top of his Russian saviour. He opened his eyes to be met with an angry Russia, a few inches from his own. "You really should consider things before doing them, da?" He asked in a friendly yet scary tone. China nodded slowly.

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