Chapter 3

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Romano glanced at the wall once again. His sobs had slowed down, as he knew crying wasn't going to bring his brother back. He studied the wall carefully, trying to figure a way to get over it. Suddenly the wall moved down. He heard footsteps in the distance, and prepared to fight or run, depending on what was walking towards him.

"America, you go ahead, get some help. I'll be here." America sighed. "I-I don't want to leave you!"

"Then come back by sundown. I'll be fine." The English man was smiling slightly from the fact that the American cared. "OK!" America yelled, and ran off.

Germany continued to climb the wall, about halfway to the top. He kept calling out for Italy, trying to get a response, but it had been quiet for awhile. After the screams, the only sounds from the other side were small whimpers, and those had died down also. Germany quickly climbed to the top, looking around worriedly. A fear filled sight greeted him. "ITALY...!"

China, Russia and Canada had reached a break in their path. "Let's go left, da?" Russia said, who was carrying China now due to the older nation being tired. No one objected, so the three headed left, now closed off to the right.

Spain walked along, humming. Nothing had happen to him yet. Suddenly a wall to his left came down. Curious, he looked in.

Japan continued to walk in solitude, worrying about the others.

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