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"so what do we have next?" i asked Hermione.

"oh, double potions with Slytherin." She answered.

"OH no. Fred and George told me that Snape was no good. He favors Slytherins." Ron was arguing.

"i don't its gonna be that bad." i said.

We walked to dungeons it was cold and somehow dark too.
All the people came down and took there seats. There 28 tables and by each of them were 2 stools.

The door opened and the professor came in.

"There will be no foolish wand - waving  or silly incantations in this class. As such, i don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and the exact art to know how to make a Potion. However for those, select few...." He said eyeing me and Draco.

"i can teach you how to bewitch an mind. I can tell you how to bottle fame brew glory and even... put a stopper in death" The room fell silent as his deep voice finished.

"then again. There will be some kinds who would rather pay attention to something else. " He eyed Harry who was taking notes on his parchment. I hited him with my elbow and he dropped his quill.   

"yes. Mr. Potter our new celebrity. Tell me Potter, what would i added apshodel and wormwood into a potion?" Just as he asked that Hermione's hand stretched up.

I knew the answer as well but didn't want to be seen as a nerd.

"I- i don't know sir." Harry replied.

"Well clearly fame isn't everything. Lets try again Potter, where would you look if i told you to get a bezoar?" Again just as he asked that Hermione's hand shot up in the sky.

"i don't know sir." Harry replied again. I wanted to tell him but Snape was too close to us.

"thought you would open your textbook eh? Lets try again what is the difrence between a wolfsbane and a monkshood?" He asked again and ignoring Hermione's hand.

"i don't know sir. But maybe Hermione does." Harry replied.  Snape death glared at Harry.

"sit." He replied to Hermione.

"oh my god." i silently told to my self.

Snape heard me saying it and quickly looked at me.

"Perhaps miss Scamander will know. Cause she thinks that by her friends dumb mind, she will know the answer." Snape snickered with the slytherins.

"Well apshodel and wormwood make a sleeping potion which is so powerful to its name being ''draught of living death.'' Then a Bezoar is a stone taken from goats stomach and it can save you from poising. And the difference between a monkshood and a wolfsbane is basically that they are the same plant going by the name aconite. " i quickly responded, Picturing Rolf's notebook. It was a simple theme that i have been learning from his notebook.

"Well? What are you waiting on write that down." Snape commanded and everybody did as he told.

"now i will put you in pairs to do a simple potion to cure boils." He said as everybody finished writing there notes.

"Okay lets see.." he looked at his list of students.

"Weasly and Potter, Finingan and Longbotttom, Granger and Brown, Scamander and Malfloy....." He was continuing in his list. I wasn't that happy to know that i had to work with Draco. 

"okay i guess we are together.  You can get the ingredients and i will start to brew to potion." i told to him and he came back straight away.

"okay you can relax or watch how i do it and i will start." i told him starting the fire to get the cauldron heated up.

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