Starsweeper XXI

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"But first years never get to a quidditch teams."

I recommend playing: Positions by Ariana Grande.

When Madam Hooch carried Neville to the i heard Draco and Harry arguing. Oh no not again.

I walked towards them seeing that Draco got Neville's remerball.

"Draco give it back." I ordered him to do so but he refused to do as so.

"Sorry Y/n but i don't think i will. He deserves what he got. How about he will can find it him self? How about the roof?" He grabbed his broom but just before he said to me : "sorry Y/n" and smiled. I never knew that Draco could has his good side.

I sighed and grabbed my broom following Harry but Hermione stood in front of me and said: " Y/n No! You heard Madam Hooch." She told me.

"sorry Hermy but this is really important." i smiled at her and she patted my shoulder.

"good luck Y/n. But Harry you are an idiot." She told and i laughed.

I got into the sky by Draco and Harry.

"GIVE IT BACK MALFLOY." Harry shouted at him.

"Oh i don't think, i will. He should find it himself." Harry came to him but Draco did 360 and throwed the crystal clear in the air.

I speed through the field on my broom, and finally cached up it. I noticed that i was going deep down straight into the grass but i somehow grabbed onto the broom and inches away i got straight into the sky and throwed the Remerball to Harry.

We finally got back onto the ground. There were cheers over cheers.

"Y/N SCAMANDER! COME WITH ME. AND YOU TOO POTTER." i heard A voice so i turned around to see professor McGonagall. Minnie... not the right time.

"Madam. Y/n didn't do anything it was just Potter - " Draco tried to get me clear, but Minnie didn't want to hear it. 

We were walking in front of the DADA class. Why would she want other professors to know that i am getting  expelled?

"I'm sorry Professor Quiler. But can i please take Wood with me for a minute?" She asked him. Oliver Wood. Oliver Wood like the Gryffindor Quidditch?

"U-um su-sure." he said holding some time of a lizard or something.

"Harry and Y/n this Oliver Wood. He is the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch. Wood i think i found you a seeker. And a chaser." McGonagall said.

"wait but you are telling me i will be a Gryffindor chaser?" i asked her and she nodded.

"But miss.  I am not a Gryffindor." i said to her.

"Ah yes Y/n. Uhm just like the points you get and you can chose in which house do you want to give... you can do that in Quidditch too. See you can play in which ever house you would like. You can now choose now Gryffindor and then Slytherin."

She said and i nodded. It would be hard for me. I would like to play as Slytherin, but my brother is in Hufflepuff and all of my friends are in Gryffindor.   

"okay. But First yearer cant buy flying brooms." Harry nodded his head at my sentence.

"i will make a expectation for you two. Now go on."McGonagall said and we hoped back down to the others.

"But first years never get to a quidditch teams."  Ron said as we were walking through the entrance to the Gryffindor common room.

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