Chapter 58- at The last task

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A/N: Since I am getting so much love from everybody. I wanted to say thank you and I will be continuing this story. 


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Well, now the time has come. After many negotiations what happened and shared words about Karkarov and Snape "being" maybe deatheaters the time has come. It is the last task. 

And it is almost the end of the year. Which means terrible. I mean TERRIBLE things are going to happen at this minute or maybe tomorrow. Who knows. Nobody. 

This could be the last time I am seeing one of my close friends such as harry Fleur or Cedric. I haven't talked with them. I mean I did with Harry and I mean a lot from what has happened yesterday. 

And today he has to deal with it. I mean come on. It's so unfair to him. just because Dumb-old-door isn't counting on Cedric to be the champion it's not Harry's problem and Dumby-old-door could go there alone and our new headmaster would be McGonagall. Dont ask me how I figured it out okay? 

So exciting. 

We are now walking in silence. All four of us. To the next game that is going to start in a half an hour. 

Wait did I say silence? No no no no no I meant Hermione rambling about spells to use if Harry is in danger. Which I think he will be. But let's try to think of the positives in this. 

Let me try to think


Well, what- 

Okay, we got to the tent. I looked over my shoulder to see Harry pale as the wall not wanting to enter and see everybody standing there. It's the last task. Just a reminder if you have somehow forgotten. 

With my hand, I unfold the curtains to see every contestant standing there. They all looked at us and looked back to whatever they were doing. 

Ron went in first and we just followed him. It was a big tent. A lot of some snacks were there like chocolate frogs. I mean really? They don't have enough money to buy more clever things. 

The next thing I hear are some footsteps getting closer and closer to us. It was fast so I turned around quickly as we all did and we saw Bagman smiling and waving his hand over at us. 

I felt relieved it wasn't anybody else but I was quite disappointed. Anyway, he ran up to us and as soon he catches his breath he started talking. 

"Heya there kids sorry to tell you but this tent is only for competitions soooo" He pointed both of his fingers towards his exit and I rolled my eyes. I let go of Harry's hand I didn't even realize I was holding and hugged him for the last time. "Hey, you are going to be alright okay?" I whispered in his ear. 

He nodded and then Hermione and Ron took turns to hug him as well. I wave with my hand and walk only away to the area all of the "fans" were. There weren't a lot of people there at the moment. I don't know why but they just weren't there. I mean I am not complaining it means we could get the best places. 

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