Chapter 41

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"So how was the Quidditch cup?"

"So how was the Quidditch cup?"

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First of all. I wanted to thank you all so much for the 4.1k reads. Oh, my Gawd thank you so much. Love yaaaaa

"You ready?" Rolf asked me standing in front of the wall. "All ways have" I respond and start to run.

Of course, it wasn't my first time getting into the Hogwarts express. But still, I had anxiety. My parents weren't with us. Some duty calls on the ministry. Of course.

When my parent's arent with us, Rolf has to take care of me. It is different when he is with me alone. When he is with his friends, he acts like this cool ass called Bob or Johnny.

But when we are alone, he is the most caring person ever. This is Rolfs last year, and we are trying to figure out what he will do. Our parents are pushing on him to work at the ministry, but..... he wants to work in the muggle world.

After I went through the portal or however you call it, I saw the big scarlet train. I missed it. But not that much. Next year we will have our O.W.L.S test. Which meant I have to learn. A lot.

It is probably the best time to actually pay attention to Snape. I waited for Rolf to come through and when he did we split up and went to look for our friends.

Over the summer I was sending Harry some food. Like...more junk food. ANd it was more because his foster parents didn't give him that much. I have written some lists for all of them.

Ron was all the time mentioning how he wants to go to the Quidditch world cup. He actually went Hermione and Harry too.

I didn't.

They.....they just didn't invite me. I tried not to go around it that much. I mean the tickets do cost a LOT.

And I was surprised that they were going. Even Neville and Thomas Dean were there. But it is kinda my fault too.

I could have asked my parents if we could go. But I just didn't have the courage to say it to them.

I got on the train and went to look for my friends. Soon I found them in one compartment and they were just talking. I even opened the compartment door and they didn't notice me.

I bit the inside of my check and looked at them. Was I a ghost or something?

I cleared my through so they probably could notice me. Once I did they all shot their heads up and smiled.

"Hello, Y/n" Hermione chuckled and went in for a hug. I dropped all of my bags accidentally and melted into the warm hug she gave me. She slightly laughed and looked at me.

"How was your summer?" Ron asked me picking up my trunk. It was heavy, so I wasn't surprised when he almost dropped it as well. "It was alright" I shrug and took my seat by Harry. He smiled and I looked at the newspaper Hermione has in her hands.

I furrowed my eyebrows and tried to concentrate on the title. "Terror at the quidditch world cup?" I asked reading it.

Ron handed me a gummy bear that I politely grabbed and thanked him. All of them nodded and Ron speaker up.

"It was a horror, we were sleeping and poof" He imitated a bomb explosion. "And?" I asked curiously.

"Well.....Harry help me" He chewed another chocolate frog. Harry sighed and looked at me. "Read the newspapers. " He ordered.

Hermione handed me the newspapers and I started reading. After I finished my mouth was hanging. "How-?"

"We don't know. "

There was a slight silence and nobody wanted to speak up. Harry scratched his forehead near his scar and looked very clueless.

"It is hurting again? " Hermione asked him strictly. I and Harry furrowed our eyebrows. "Your scar?" I asked him. Hermione nodded and Harry shook his head.

"I'm fine" He promised and laughed slightly. "You know Sirius will want to hear about this" Hermione whispered to him. Harry looked outside of the window and sighed.

He grabbed a piece of parchment and a feather that I borrowed him. The compartment door opened and we shot our heads to see Neville in the doorway. Harry quickly shoved the list behind him and I smiled at Neville.

"Hello Neville need anything?" Ia sked him. He smiled slightly and got on his words. " I sit here?" He asked pointing at the free seat. I looked at the trio and they slowly nodded their heads.

Neville smiled and placed his trunk on top of the shelves. he settled in his seat and we just sat there in silence.

"So how was the Quidditch cup?" He asked breaking the silence.

"Wait you weren't there?" I asked him. He chuckled and shook his head quickly. "No, I wasn't. Grandmother wouldn't let me go" He explained. I was shocked.

My parents told me he was there and they saw him. "Huh?" I laughed and he looked at me weirdly. "Weird" I shrug.

"Look" Ron changed the theme and started to look for something in his bag. He then pulled out a Viktor Krum's figure.

I laughed silently and holder the miniature figure. Neville on the other hand was very impressed. "Whooooaaaaa," He said and holder the figure like a treasure.

"We saw it fairly close," Ron said happily. I smiled at him and then the compartment door opened again.

"First and the last time Weasley" Draco sniggered. "Nobody invited you" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Keep rolling your eyes Scamander and you might find a brain" Goyle said. I shot him a glare and everybody stare at him like hungry wolves at a piece of meat.

"Would you mind and take your puppets and leave?" Harry scolded him. Draco scoffed and left.

Soon the train stopped and we hurried out of it. I tried to look for Rolf but it was of no use. I went with Harry and we saw the first years standing by the giant man Hagrid.

It was raining like from a bucket, I held my robe and tried to cover my face. "HI HAGRID!" We all shouted at him from the other side.

"Hello, guys. How are ya?" He waved his hands. I smiled at him and we nodded our heads to represent that we were okay.

"See you at the feast. Unless we don't drown" Yeah....he was kinda scared the first years after he said that.

"BYE!" We shouted and just watched him disappear in the darkness.

"I wouldn't want to take a boat in this type of weather." I sighed and we hurried.

We had to take a carriage that they prepared for all of the students because it was raining heavily. I was by the window and was just admiring the castle, and watched as we came closer and closer.

We stepped out and ran inside of it. We calmed down after we saw the stairťcase that was lighted up with some lamps. I smiled and then I felt some water in my shoe.

"Stupid rain" I sighed and looked at my show. "I don't think it is because of the rain," Harry said feeling the same thing I did.

Just after he said that a water balloon dropped on Ron's head and we heard the evilest laugh ever.

"Peeves!" McGonagall shouted at him. "Get down from there" She tried to warn the ghost that was flying on the broom.

We sighed and entered the great hall and sat down in our seats.

"Well it is going great"

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