Chapter 56- celebrations before worries

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"You need to be productive Harry!"

"You need to be productive Harry!"

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I was standing beside Draco and his gang because that was the only good spot there. Colling was there as well but we didn't talk much just watched until it started. 

I was more even looking for Hermione and Ron. They were not there. or maybe were I just couldn't see them. Trust me if I would see them I would go straight to them. 

"You look scared Scamander" Draco came from nowhere to me. I looked at him and shrugged. 

"I can't find Hermione Ron or Harry" I answered his question of whatever the sentence was about. I couldn't focus. But what should I focus on? Draco was quite nice to me. Or the fact that I can't find my friends. 

"Why do you care about them so much?" He asked me. I looked at him straight in the eye. "they are my friends...?" I answered. 

How could he even ask that? Didn't he see me all the time with them? He knows how much I love them and still asks that. Why the fuck? 

"Have they ever been worried about you?" 

I thought for a bit about the question. "Of course they had!" I laughed and rolled my eyes trying to hide the truth. But they did care about me! Yeah, they did. 

"really? Then why did I see you yesterday in the library alone?" he asked me. "Draco, Hermione, and Ron are somewhere I don't know and Harry was preparing for the tournament I was trying to find the charm to help him" I proved my right. Why was this guy just so annoying. 

"Draco if you want to manipulate me not to be friends with them and to be friends with you then just say so. I love all of you" 

"Y/n come look at this I see harry!" Collin shouted at the right time while I and Draco were having a cute moment. Did I just call that cute? Yes, I did. But I could see it worked because when I walked over to Collin and he handed me the bicolours to see Harry. 

"Ah yes, I see him" I smiled finally spotting him. He was just beside everybody else and just waiting. 

Suddenly they all jumped in the water and the waiting began. Draco came back to me and Collin but hadn't said anything anymore. 

All I could do is smile at him but he didn't return it. He didn't even look at me. but I don't blame him. 

Soon Hermione and all the other people like Ron and Fleur's sister came out of the water even Cho I think it was her. 

But Harry was nowhere to be seen, he was probably still in the water. "Do you think I could go down there?" I asked Collin. Draco looked at me too as if he wanted to answer me. 

"no, I don't think you can-" 

"Oh sure you can go there" Collin answered before Draco did. I looked up at Draco and he didn't pay attention already. He immediately felt embarrassed that he got caught on a lie.

"Okay Hermione is there he will get out of there I don't need to go there" I assured them. 

꧁⁕Time skip⁕꧂- to the end of the competition

Harry got out of the water and it all ended. Harry got 2nd place and Cedric got first. I was clapping and so was everybody. 

It all ended. Finally. After all the drama with Draco. Although I could already sense that Draco likes me. No, you might think that I am just making things up. 

I am not. I can just sense it. 

Maybe. But that is not for today. I rushed down To Harry Hermione and Ron and congratulated Harry and hugged all of them. 

We were just laughing the whole way back to the castle but I could only feel silent eyes staring at me. When I turned around I saw Cedric and Draco just walking and staring at me. 

I could only wave at them because what else should I do? They waved back one smiled and the other kept a straight face on. You can just tell who was which one. 

But that didn't matter. What mattered is the fact that my friends are living and are happy. 
Right after we got to the Gryffindor common room. 

Everybody was just celebrating being happy. No worries some people getting into some drama but that doesn't matter. 

"So do you know what the next competition will be?" I asked Harry who rolled his eyes. "Seriously Y/n? I just finished this one! I think I need to get my head cleared out at the moment"

Y/n was surprised at Harry's so far new anger outburst. But it was fine. She could tell that Harry just had to do it. Living in a family that he had would be a living hell. She just didn't like the fact she was the one he let out his anger on. 

Hermione and Ron were thinking the exact same thing and the Quatro was then just in deep silence watching the flames of the fire. 

"Sorry" Harry mumbled and Y/n smiled at him. "Your fine" She took the apology seriously. 

"Gosh that was something" Ron breathed and laughed at the same time. 

"What?" I laughed with all of them. "f you and Harry would get into a fight I don't think anybody of us would be alive anymore" 

"Oh come on it wouldn't be that bad" Harry argued back. I just kept silent knowing that that wouldn't be true. "Right Y/n?" Harry asked me. 

I burst out laughing and just couldn't take it. 

"Just like Hermione once said. Your a leo" 

《Time skip》- to just almost the second task

"Have you been trying to find out what is the next task? Hermione asks on the other side of the table for breakfast. "Yeah of course" Harry replied. 

"No, he hasn't" Ron exposed him. Harry nudged him in the shoulder and could only think of how he wanted to murder him. 

"Harry you can't leave things at the last minute. Finding out the charm was hard work. Thank Lord Dobby was there" I hyped him up. 

"There is plenty of time for that" 

"You said that about two weeks already" Hermione reminded him. Harry kept silent. "And how should I get to know what the next task is. I have no clue, no hint nobody knows. Hagrid is not going to help me either so there is just no point" 

A/n: Hello my loves how are you doing? Thank you so much for reading any comment or any

vote is enough for me. Stay safe please and live your life how you want it to be. byeeee

Words: 1130

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