Character Answers Part 1

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(A/N: this is NOT part of the story. you can skip this if you want. Also I'm not asking all of the characters questions)

Character #1: Liam Payne.

Q1: Liam, how does it feel knowing that you're 30-40 minutes away from Louis?

A: I hate it.

Q2: You miss him, don't you?

A: Yes Sheri. What kind of ridiculous question is that?

Q3: Hahaha. Anyway, how does feel knowing that it's been nearly a year since your dad's death?

A: It's still surreal.

Q4: How do you like the Wolverhampton college so far?

A: It's amazing! It has the major I'm interested in and I can be about 20-30 minutes away from home in case my mum needs me.

Q5: Any plans after college?

A: I don't know yet. All I know is I wanna be with Louis.

Character #2: Louis Tomlinson.

Q1: Hey Louis. How do you like being on the futbol team?

A1: It's amazing. I'm livin' the dream.

Q2: How do you like being tutored?

A2: It's alright. At least my tutor is a cool guy.

Q3: How did you meet Harry?

A3: We've been buddies since high school.

Q4: What are you majoring in college?

A4: Futbol, duh. *flips hair*

Q5: Any plans after college?

A5: To be with Liam.

Character #3: Nate Reeves.

Q1: Hey it's been a while. How are you?

A1: Doin' good. I've missed you Sheri.

Q2: Aww. Thanks Nate. Whatcha been up to?

A2: I'm studying law at Harvard University now. I hope to be a great lawyer someday.

Q3: Hey are you still dating that Jake guy?

A3: No we were never boyfriend & boyfriend. Just friends with benefits.

Q4: So why did you cheat on Liam?

A4: I didn't want to. Jake was jealous of our relationship and he says that he was gonna make sure that Liam knew I was his, and not Liam's.

Q5: Nate, I have to know. Do you still love Liam?

A5: Of course I do. I wish I could turn back time and tell him that I still loved him.

A/N: hello!

Yes I know it's been a while since the last update

I'm terribly sorry!

Also tomorrow (03.21.15) will mark the 1 year anniversary of Together Forever! So this calls for a celebration!

Part 2 of the character answers will be posted sometime in the next week or so (depends on how busy I am)

Until next time,

-Sheri 💚

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