Praying And Waiting

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*the next day*

Liam's POV

We just got back from the hospital. Everyone either had minor injuries or major injuries. Lou was crying his eyes out the whole time. He felt guilty even though it wasn't his fault. The three of us stayed until visiting hours were over at 10 pm.

It took a lot of convincing but I did manage to make both Louis & Lottie leave the hospital. I understood why they would want to stay but their mom, Johannah, told me to make them leave.

*Begin Flashback*

I entered Miss Jo's room. "You must be Liam." She said. I noticed that Miss Jo was wearing a neck brace. "That's me." "This is my mum, Liam." Louis said. He was sitting next to her bed, holding her hand. "Hi. Sorry we had to meet like this." I said, faking a smile. "It's not your fault, dear." Miss Jo paused for a moment and said, "Hey Louis. Could you go check on your sisters? I want to talk to Liam alone."

Of course when she said that, it made me nervous. I'm pretty sure Miss Jo noticed cause she laughed at me. "Don't worry, Liam. You're not in trouble." I let out a sigh of relief. "I just want you to know that I might not make it out of here alive." Tears started to form in my eyes. "I'm really sorry to tell you that but that's what Dr. Gomez said."

*knock* *knock* *knock*

"Come in." I said. Louis and Lottie walked in. "Hi Mum." Lottie said. "Hey babies. I gotta tell you something." "Liam you should go next door and see Daisy and Phoebe." Lou told me. "Okay."

So I left them alone to go introduce myself to Lou's younger sisters. I knocked on the door. "Come in!" Who could that be? I thought as I opened the door. Then I remember that Louis had a sister named Fizzy. "Hi stranger." She said to me. "Who are you?" "I'm Liam. Louis' boyfriend." "Oh hey!" Fizzy got up and hugged me.

"Li." Daisy was calling me. "Hi Daisy." I stood next to her bed. "How's my mum?" I hesitated before answering. "She's fine, love." I gave her a small smile. "Are you sure?" Phoebe asked, speaking up. "100% sweetie." I replied.

Then Louis walked in with red eyes. "Mum wants to see you, Fizzy." "Okay." She gave Lou a hug then left. I walked up to him and asked, "You alright?" Lou shook his head and hugged me without a word. It must be hard hearing that your mum may not make it out of the hospital.

All of a sudden, I heard screaming. Louis quickly ran to Miss Jo's room while Daisy and Phoebe started to freak out. "Shhh. There there, babes. Everything's gonna be alright." I said, trying to comfort them. They both took my hands and gave them a gentle squeeze.

Dr. Gomez said that Miss Jo had a sudden heart attack and me, Lou & Lottie were told to leave. Of course, they both refused. That's when I had to convince them that everything will be alright.

*End Flashback*

"Liam!" Louis came up to me and hugged me while crying. "What's wrong?" "It's Mum. She died in the hospital."

A/N: hey guys. It's time for another #TogetherForeverFriday

I'll finally be able to finish this story cause my summer vacation started last Friday (June 5th.)

Next chapter will be the last one before the epilogue 😱

Holy. crap.

Look how far we've come.

Anyhow, I'll see you guys next week ✌🏽️

-Sheri 💜

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