The Last First Day Part 2

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Liam's POV

The rest of Genetics glass went pretty okay. Mr. Gill went over Punnett squares, one of the easiest things to learn in Biology class. We also did a fun activity called "Get to Know Your Classmates" where we wrote down our eye color, hair color and height plus we wrote down 3 things we hate that were related to school. Benny, Gerald and I all agreed that this was gonna be an easy assignment, much to Nick's dismay. Most everyone in the class did the assignment correctly, including Nick. That was a shocker.

After Genetics came English 4. I was glad I didn't have Sandy, Sam or Nick in that class with me. Luckily, Benny was in that class with me as well as Lacey Michaels. I met Lacey back in fifth grade and we've been best friends ever since. Lacey had curly brown hair, hazel eyes and she was about 5'3. She loved listening to alternative and rock music. In fact, she told me that after high school, she's gonna pursue a music career. I will support her 110%.

"Good morning class." My english 3 teacher, Mrs. Frank, walked in the room. Mrs. Frank had brown hair, (which was mixed with some gray hairs), green eyes and white skin. Mrs. Frank told us last year that she was planning on retiring this year. Some people cheered, others didn't. I was one of those people who didn't cheer. "It's now time for roll call." Mrs. Frank said.

Some people from my first block were in my class, including Gillian, Xaiver, Anna and PJ. So far there wasn't a person I hated in that class until Mrs. Frank said, "Sandy Taylor!" Dammit. I thought to myself. "I'm here, Mrs. Frank." She said in her annoying high-pitched voice. Not long after Mrs. Frank called Sandy's name, roll call was done. "Ok class, it's time to pass out the forms that need to be signed and returned tomorrow." Mrs. Frank said, handing papers to the first row of people. I was in the fourth row, last seat and Lacey sat in front of me. Now we can catch up before high school ends!

"Settle down, everyone! It's time to begin the powerpoint!" Mrs. Frank yelled. Wow. The first day and Mrs. Frank already has yelled at us. Fantastic. My subconscious told me. I know, right? I silently replied back. "Now class, we will begin the powerpoint." Mrs. Frank began. "If you didn't know already, my name is Mrs. Frank. I have been teaching here at Wolverhampton High for over 35 years. This year is my final year of teaching. So let's make it a great year, okay?"

"Everyone in this room is a senior so everyone should know what their rules are now but I still have to go over them, according to my boss. Rule number one, keep your hands and feet to yourself. How many times have you heard that rule?" Mrs. Frank asked. Only 1000 times. No big deal. I thought. "Rule number two, bring all materials to class. Now if you've had my class before, you know what to bring. If you haven't had my class, then the materials you will need are pencils, pens, highlighters, notebooks, notebook paper and a three-ring binder."

"Now who would like to write that on the board?" Mrs. Frank asked. My hand went up. "That's sweet of you Liam, but I would like someone who hasn't had my class to write it. You know anyone?" Mrs. Frank added. I looked around the room. "How about Sandy?" I asked.

Sandy's POV

"How about Sandy?" Liam freaking Payne asked old lady Frank. I shot him a look. "How about no?" "How about yes? Now come up here, dear." Old lady Frank said to me. I got out of my seat and went to the board. I pulled the cap off of the red market and wrote:





Notebook paper

3-ring binder

"Thank you, dear. Now that wasn't so hard, was it?" Frank asked me. "No ma'am." I forced a fake smile. "You may go back to your seat, Sandy." Old lady Frank said. I walked back to my seat and gave Payne a glare before I sat down. "Everyone needs to remember this list." Frank called. "Can we take a picture of it?" A guy called Frank asked. Heh. Frank and old lady Frank. That'll be easy to remember. "Sure. But don't include anyone in the photo." She said.

The rest of English was so boring that I'm not gonna tell you about it. I just couldn't wait for class to end.


The beautiful sound of the bell meant English was over and that I could go to first lunch and see my baby! I missed him so much that I literally ran out of that class so I could see him.

"So that Payne in the ass called you out to go in front of the class?" My baby Sam asked me. "Yeah babe." I said. "He knows I can't stand going in front of the class, yet he made me do it anyway." Sam's hand balled into a fist and he slammed it on the table, causing my bestie Grace to jump. Grace had long dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. We've been best friends since Pre-K. "Oh my Godd. He's suchhh an ass." Grace added. "Exactly!" I said. I absolutely ah-dore how Grace and I think alike.

"So tonight. Meetup at my place. 7 pm sharp. We can come up with a plan to show Payne in our asses who's boss around here." I stated. "Sounds good." Sam said. "I'll be there." Grace added.


"Time for third blockkk." Grace whined. I hated when she did that. "Grace, stop whining. You're a senior now, babe." I snapped. "Sorry." She replied. "Whatever. Let's go guys." I said, standing up. Sam and Grace silently followed towards our third block, Economics.

Liam's POV

Third block was Government with Lacey. I was so glad that Lacey and I could have two whole blocks together. More time to catch up with one another. Lacey said that our teacher's name was Mr. Irving. She also said that he's been teaching about the same number of years that Mrs. Frank's been teaching.

"Afternoon class. My name is Mr. Irving and I will be your Government teacher." Everyone got quiet when Mr. Irving walked in the room. "When I call your name, say 'here' or 'present.'"

"Today we will go over the class rules and procedures and I will give you forms that need to be signed and returned." Mr. Irving stated. He went over to his computer and pulled up a PowerPoint. Oh joy. Another PowerPoint. I thought to myself.

My government class went by very slowly and with each minute passing by, I grew hungrier and hungrier. Why do we have to have third lunch? I hate it so muchh. I thought to myself. "Liam Payne!" Mr. Irving called. "Here." I said. I looked at the clock. 12:37 pm. Lunch didn't start until 1:40 pm. This is gonna be a long class period. I thought.

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