More Madness

463 14 1

Liam's POV

"Hey how do you know my name?" I asked Gavin as we walked out of the computer lab. "I'm friends with your boyfriend, Nate." Gavin replied. "Oh. Cool." I gave him a nod. "So why did you pull me out of class?" Gavin asked.

"Mr. Gill needs your help with his computer." I replied. "Ah. What's the problem now?" "A powerpoint wouldn't come up on his computer." "Oh boy. No worried though. I can fix it." Gavin reassured me. "Great." Neither Gavin nor I said anything until we reached Mr. Gill's classroom.

"Thanks for coming, Gavin." Mr. Gill said. "No problem. Nice meeting you, Liam." Gavin said. "Same to you." I replied, leaving Gavin's side to go sit down in my seat. After about 10-20 minutes, Gavin left the room. "Alright class, let's take some notes, shall we?" Mr. Gill asked.


I was in my Government class when Mr. Irving let out a frustrated growl. The whole class fell silent. I don't blame them.

It was silent for a moment before I decided to speak up. "Uh, Mr. Irving?" "Yes Liam?" "What's the matter?" I asked cautionly. "No my computer froze up and I have to pull up the powerpoint for the notes." Mr. Irving explained calmly. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Thank God he didn't snap. I thought to myself. "Do you know anyone who can fix it?" I asked. "Yeah. Gavin Stevenson." "I know him. Where is he?" I asked. "I don't know. Go to the office and find him for me, please."

*skipping the walk to the office*

"Hi may I help you?" Mrs. Irving greeted. "Hi. I'm looking for Gavin Stevenson." I explained. "Yes. He's at lunch right now but he's in Ms. Collins' class." "Ok. Thanks." I decided to go to Ms. Collins' room so I could tell her that she needs to send Gavin to Mr. Irving's room.

*skipping the walk to Ms. Collins' room*

I knocked on the door. "Come in." I walked in and closed the door. "Hi Liam. I wasn't expecting you to be here so early." Ms. Collins greeted me. "I'm just here to tell you that Mr. Irving needs Gavin to go to his room so he could help fix his computer." I said. "Alright. I'll let him know. Oh, by the way, you might want to hurry to class. The bell's gonna ring in about 3 minutes." Ms. Collins said. "Alright." I left.

I quickly walked downstairs. I decided to make a quick bathroom break while I'm out. I wasn't supposed to, but I couldn't wait.

*skipping the bathroom*


Of course I would come out of the bathroom when the bell rings. I thought to myself. Teens with full bellies and heavy bookbags on their shoulders came charging towards me. At least that's what I thought they were doing....

I knew that they were really trying to go to class and I just had to go the opposite way so I started walking. Most people moved out of my way when they saw me. A few people actually said "hi" when they saw me. That should give you proof how popular I am.

It took a while, but I was finally out of the sea of people. At least that's I thought. One of the history teachers let their students have a restroom. I saw Nick Sanders came out of the classroom and he was charging towards me.

Oh shit. I thought to myself.

A/N: dun dun dunnnnnnn!!!!

how's that for a cliffhanger? ;)

btw this is the last Friday I can update before school starts on Monday 😭

I'll try and update when I can so please bear with me 🐻

I'll c y'all soon, okay?

-Sheri ❤️

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