The Hot New Kid

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Liam's POV


"So Liam. Did you hear that there's a new kid in our grade?" Gerald asked me. "No. Who is that?" "His name is Nate Reeves." Ger said. Then the classroom door opened. A guy with shaggy brown hair under a beanie walked in.

Gerald elbowed me. "That's Nate." Mamma Mia, he's cute. Cute? More like hot! My subconscious told me. Nate was wearing a black tank top and blue jeans. I couldn't stop staring at his muscular arms.

The sound of Gerald's voice in my ear brought me back to reality. "Hey Liam. How would you feel if I told you that Nate's bi?" My heart raced. I wanted to be Mr. Liam Reeves. I turned to face Gerald with an excited look on my face. G smirked. "I knew it."


"Hey Liam." I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned. Nate was standing behind me. "Sup?" "So this is gonna crazy." Nate started. "Crazy is okay with me." I replied. Nate chuckled and my heart melted.

"Cool. I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me." I turned to face Nate. "I know it's crazy but you're hot. I've been thinking about you since I saw you this morning." My heart was racing. Nate thinks I'm hot!

"I'd love to!" I said. "Great how about tonight?" I froze. Crap, the fight! I had almost forgotten about the fight. "Liam?" I shook my head. "Sorry I have other plans tonight." I said. "How about tomorrow night?" "I'll be there." "Great." Nate turned and walked away.


"Liam, where are you going?" Mum asked. "Going to hang with my new friend, Nate." I said. "Can I meet him?" "Sure. I'll talk to him about that." "Okay hun. Have fun." Mum kissed my cheek.

I grabbed my phone and started my truck. I checked the time. 6:15 pm. Well, at least I'll be early. I thought. I drove out of the yard and headed towards the gas station, preparing myself for the fight.

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