Tuesday's Tongue Twister

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Liam's POV

*Tuesday morning, 2nd block*

"Ok class, today we're gonna do a crossword puzzle. I will be calling each row up beginning with Leigh-Anne's row." Ms. Frank said.

Each row of people got their puzzle until Ms. Frank finally reach the row I was in, the very last one.

"You may begin with your crossword puzzle. If you need help, come see me or pull out your notes." Ms. Frank went to sit at her desk.

I pulled out my notes and took a quick glance at them. I didn't really want to depend on them (even though Ms. Frank said we could.)

I answered some of the questions and tried to figure out the tongue twister. So after I got this:

P _ _ _r Pi _ _ _ pec _ _ _ ed a p _ _ k of pic _ _ _ _ d p_ _ _ _ ers

I think I know what it is, but I wanted to answer a few questions so I could be sure. So I continued until I wrote this down:

Pe _ _ r Piper pecked a pe _ k of pick _ _ _ d peppers

That's when I realized the answer to the riddle was "Peter Piper pecked a pack of pickled peppers."

I still remember being 10 years old and trying to say "Peter Piper pecked a pack of pickled peppers" just as fast as everyone else. Ah, memories.

I was brought out of my trance when Patrick Sterling asked, "Hey Liam. Do we turn this in when we're done?" "I'm not sure." I said. "Alright. Let's ask, Pete." Patrick and Pete Williams went to Ms. Frank's desk.

I ended up finishing my worksheet just before the bell rang.



I threw my lunch tray away. I was on my way to Ms. Collins' class when Benny stopped me. "Liam." "What's up?" I asked. "So I heard that Nick Sanders challenged you." I sighed. Just when I thought that I wasn't gonna talk about it. I thought.

"It's true, Ben." "How many fights are you gonna be in?" "I really don't know, Benny boy. I really don't know." Ben narrowed his eyes. "Don't ever call me that." I laughed.

*skipping the walk to class*

"Ok class, take out your notes." Ms. Collins said. As I was doing what I was told, the intercom beeped. "Liam Payne to the office." "Yes ma'am." Ms. Collins replied. Oh boy. I thought.

A/N: hey guys!

sorry for the short chapter. I've been having some writer's block :/

on the bright side, when (and if) people search "together forever lilo" my story is the second story they see!!!! 😃

that. is. AWESOME.

so until next time,

-Sheri 💜

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