My Date With Nate

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Liam's POV

Nate and I were now in his car, driving somewhere. "Where are we going?" I asked. "Somewhere." I was afraid Nate would say that.

"We're here." Nate said. He brought me to what looked like a fancy restaurant. "A fancy restaurant?" I raised a brow at Nate. "Yep." "Nate, I feel like I'm under-dressed for this!" I started to panic. Nate squeezed my hand. "It's okay."

I felt myself relax when Nate did that. Then butterflies appeared in my stomach. What is this feeling? I couldn't help but wonder that.

"Come on, Liam. You'll be fine." Nate unbuckled my seatbelt. He undid his own seatbelt and got out the car to let me out. Then Nate opened my car door like a true gentleman. I couldn't help but smile.

"Do you have a reservation?" A waiter named Steve asked. "Yes. It's under Reeves." Nate spoke. "Right this way, sir." Steve lead outside to a table with candles around the plates and silverware. I noticed that there were breadsticks already on the table. "Enjoy, sir." Steve left.

"Sit Liam." Nate pulled out the chair so I could sit down. "Thanks." "Hey I'll be right back. Gotta use the loo." Nate said then walked away. I didn't need to know that but alright. I thought.

"Excuse me sir, but where's your date?" I looked up. Steve had returned holding two menus in his hands. "He's in the loo. Don't worry, he'll be back." I said. "Would you like a menu, sir?" Steve asked me. "Yes please." I was handed the menu then Steve left.

After Steve left, I went to go check on Nate. I opened the door. Nate was standing there doing his business. I went into the stall next to his, doing my best not to look at his man business.

"Hi Liam. Came to check on me?" Nate asked while zipping up his pants. "Yeah. Steve asked where you were." I said. "Okay. I'll be at the table if you need me." Nate washed his hands then left.

"Are you to take your order?" Steve returned, holding a bottle of red wine in his hand. "Yep. I'll have the Lamb Salad with Fregola." Nate said. "And for you, sir?" Steve asked me. "Not sure yet, honestly." I said. "Ok I will be with your order, Mr. Reeves." Steve left.

I continued to look over the menu while Nate took a bite out of the breadstick. Before I knew it, Steve had returned with Nate's order. "What would you like to drink, sir?" He asked Nate. "Root beer." "Drink, Mr..." "Payne. I'll have a Coke." "I'll be back to take your order." Steve left.

Swiftly 5 minutes later, Steve returned with our drinks. "May I take your order, Mr. Payne?" "Yes. I'll have the top fish with lemon foam." Steve wrote my order down. "Right away, sir."

"So Liam. How are you?" Nate asked. "Good. You?" "Not so good." "What's the matter?" Nate paused. I could tell that something was seriously bothering him. "Nate? You can tell me." I spoke up. "Well, my grandma was admitted in the hospital yesterday and..."

"Your food, Mr. Reeves. Mr. Payne." Steve came back. "Thank you Steve." Nate replied. "Anything else?" "No thank you." I shook my head. "Enjoy your meals." Steve left. "Do you wanna keep talking?" I asked Nate. "I'll tell you in the car." Nate began to eat and so did I.

A/N: so guys. any ideas about why Nate's grandma was admitted into the hospital?

please leave your guesses in the comments 😃

Happy 4th of July!!! 🎉🎆

QOTD: are you going to see any fireworks today?

i would if i wasn't scared of them 😣

i swear i feel like i'm the only person in the world who doesn't like fireworks...


i must go now

until next Friday,

-Sheri 💜

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