Bad Days

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A/N: hey guys! sorry about the sad chapter. I just wanted to add a little bit more sadness to the drama. After these next two chapters, happier chapters are next so stay tuned!

Liam's POV

*Sunday morning*

Mum and I decided to skip church to spend more time grieving over Dad's death. We didn't leave the house at all that day. Mum did a lot of housework to distract herself from her thoughts while I stayed in my room. I only came out to get food and go to the bathroom.


*knock* *knock* *knock*

"Liam. Time for lunch, dear." Mum came in my room. I was scrolling through Facebook. "Okay Mum." I said. I put my Mac on the bed and went to the kitchen.

"Mum! Your phone's ringing!" She quickly came and answered it. "Hello?" My relatives from both Mum's & Dad's families had been calling her all day. In fact, my Aunt Justine and Uncle Barry sent us a gift basket filled with fruits and vegetables.

I sat at the table and ate while Mum was talking on the phone. I would have checked my own phone but it was on the charger.

I soon finished my lunch and went back to my room. I would have eaten in my room but I don't want roaches and bugs crawling in so.

I turned on Music Choice. The song "Bad Day" by Daniel Powter started to play. Wow. Really? I thought. I unlocked my phone and went on Instagram while listening to the song.

"Liam. If you're gonna listen to music, can't you listen to something more happy?" Mum called. I sighed. "Okay." I spent the majority of my day listening to more upbeat songs like "Hey Ya!" by Outkast and "Tik Tok" by Ke$ha.


*Monday morning*

I was driving to school with the song "Excuse Me Mr." by No Doubt playing in my iPod. Mum had gone to work this morning so I had make my own breakfast and pack my own lunch.

I parked next to Lacey's bug. I pulled my mirror down to check my eyes. Crap! They're red! I thought. Thankfully, I remembered to bring my eye drops. I squirted two drops in both eyes before getting out of the car.


I headed towards Genetics. I had already told Benny and Gerald about my dad and they understood. Benny had lost his mum when he was 7, while Gerald's grandma died of cancer 3 years ago.


I had sat down in my seat in 4th block. Lacey and Richard felt bad when they heard the news about my dad. It turns out they had lost members of their families, too. Lacey's aunt was killed in a car crash and Richard's cousin was murdered 5 years ago.

I barely focused in class. Mrs. Collins reviewed a worksheet with us then she told us that we're gonna have a sub tomorrow. Everyone cheered while I thought, He/she better be a nice sub. Not one of those subs who are super strict.

*after school*

"How was your day?" Mum was checking her email when I came home. "Fine." I said. I put my backpack on the chair and went to the kitchen. I was still a little hungry, even though I ate lunch.


I received a text from Lacey.

Lacey: hey Liam. I'll be praying for you and your mum tonight before bed.

I smiled and replied with:

Me: thanks Lace. You'll always be my best friend.

After that, Lacey didn't respond. Hmm. Lace must be busy with something.

"Liam! Dinner!" "Coming Mum!" I said. I put my phone in my pocket and headed towards the kitchen.

*Tuesday morning*

"Liam, time for school, honey." Mum's soft voice rang in my left ear. I groaned. "I'm sorry, honey. School is important." I sat up and gave Mum a hug. "I'm not worried about school. I'm worried about you." Mum smiled and said, "Don't, Liam. Worry about school."

8 am

I walked towards the cafeteria. I found Lace and Richard with Ben and Gerald so that was a nice surprise. They were all waiting for me. I sat next to Ben. "Sup guys?" I asked.

Lacey's facial expression changed. "Liam. I don't know how to tell you this but, I heard Sam saying that he's gonna come after you." "Why? He should be over what happened last week." I said. "It's not about last week, it's about Friday night." Richard said. "What happened Friday night?" Benny asked. But before I could tell him, the bell rang.


"That's what happened?" Ben asked. I had just finished telling him and Gerald about Friday night's incident. "Yep." I said. "What an ass." Gerald added. My jaw dropped and so did Benny's. Ger had never swore before so it was quite a shock.

Then three of us heard someone cleared their throat.

I slowly turned my head. Mr. Gill was standing over me. "Mr. Payne. Why aren't you working?" "I finished, sir." I replied. "Let me see." Mr. G took my worksheet and looked at it.

"Very good, Mr. Payne. Next time, turn it in." Mr. Gill set my paper back on my desk. "Yes sir." I turned the worksheet in while Mr. G went to go help Zoe.

"I thought Mr. Gill was gonna write Gerald up for swearing." Benny said. "Me too." I added. "Psssh. Like Mr. Gill's actually gonna write up the geek for 1 little cuss word." I turned my head. Nick Sanders was looking at us.

"Shut up, Sanders." Gerald snapped. My jaw dropped again. Gerald had also said that he would never snap at anyone either.

"Dang, G. You must be having a bad day or something." Benny commented. "I'm sick of everyone stepping on me like I'm a freakin cockroach. It's not happening anymore." Gerald stated.

Then someone screamed.

Veronica Daniels had shot out of her seat. "Mr. Gill! There's a roach!" I rolled my eyes. Is she serious right now? Why can't you kill it instead of scream? "Just kill it, already!" Gerald said. "Kill it yourself!" Veronica screeched. Nick laughed. "Gerald's a pussy. He'll never kill it."

Nick's comment lit some kind of fuse cause Gerald got up and killed the roach with his foot. "What now, Sanders?" Ger walked back to his desk. "Nick Sanders! To the principal's office! Now!" Mr. Gill had written him up while G killed the roach.

After first block, I knew the rest of today was gonna be a great day.

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