An Awkward Lunch

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Grace's POV

*the next day*

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I groaned.

I hate waking up early for stupid school.

I slowly got up, plugged my phone on the charger and then got dressed.

After I was fully dressed, I brushed and flat-ironed my hair. I looked at the clock. 6:54 am. Time for breakfast. I thought.

Mom was cooking when I walked in the kitchen. "Morning, Gracie."

Ugh. I hated when she called me that. Like really? I'm not 5, Mom. I'm 17.

"Hi Mom." I put my best fake smile on. "Breakf.ast is ready, dear." Mom handed me my plate while I took a sip of my Coke. The two of us ate in silence. It's been like this since I'm an only child and Dad passed away 7 years ago today. He had lung cancer, unfortunately.

I finished my eggs and bacon and put my plate in the sink. "Don't forget to brush your teeth, Gracie." "Ok mom." I said.

I checked the time. 7:20 am. Time to pack up and head towards school. I thought. I turned the bathroom light off and went to my room to unplug my Samsung charger from the wall. I put the charger in my bookbag and swung it around my shoulders. "Leaving, dear?" asked Mom. "Yes. Unfortunately." I sighed. "Have a good day, dear. I love you." Mom kissed my cheek. "Love you." I closed the door behind me.

In my car, some guy from radio station was talking and flirting with some girl. Ugh. Why can't radio stations play music for us who have to get up early? I thought. I changed the station. Talking again. I kept changing the station, but all I got was people talking. You know what, radio talk show hosts? Screw you! I thought and then turned off my radio.

Before I knew it, I was pulling up in the student parking lot at school. I drove towards the back of the lot and parked in the first spot I found.


I looked to my left. Liam Payne had parked next to me and was getting his stuff out of his old pickup truck. I quickly averted my eyes before he noticed my staring. Why am I staring at Liam Payne of all people? He's not even that cute. I thought to myself.

Liam's POV

Well that was weird.

Why was Grace staring at me?

Was she checking me out?

*shudders at the thought*

I put my earbuds in my ears and headed towards the cafeteria to finish the rest of my breakfast.

I saw Benny, Gerald, Lacey and Richard sitting together so I joined them. "Hey!" They all said. "We've been waiting for you." Lace said. "What's up?" I asked them. "Remember at lunch when you told Lacey and I about the whole Sandy and Sam thing?" Richard asked me. "Wait, what?" Gerald asked. "What happened with those two?" Benny asked me. I had forgotten that Ben & Ger didn't know about that.

"Well guys. Yesterday I came to school late. Sandy and Sam were making out near the double doors closest to the front office. For some reason, Sam started to be nice to me and he asked where I was. I told it was none of his business and that's when Sandy snapped at me and I told her to shut up. I walked away after that." I said. "I told Liam that Sandy, Sam and her friend Grace Harris are planning to get revenge so yesterday during lunch, we had decided to meet up at my place when the preps make their move." Lacey finished.

By the time Lacey and I finished our stories, Ben and Ger's mouths were wide open. "That bitch!" Benny said. "Count me in on this revenge plan." Gerald stated. "Agreed." Benny added. "Oh good. More allies we have, the better." Richard spoke. "Amen." I said.


Huh. Shorter bell today. I thought as I got up and walked towards Genetics with Benny and Gerald. "Hey Liam, you alright? You're awfully quiet." Ben spoke. "Yeah. Just tired." I said. "Aren't we all?" Ger asked. We all laughed.

"Morning, students. I hope you all got your forms signed last night." Mr. Gill walked in the room and went straight to his desk. Of course. I thought to myself. "You will turn the forms in after I take roll." Mr. Gill stated.

The rest of genetics was easy. We turned in the forms and went over the worksheet from yesterday. After that, we took more notes. Luckily, the bell rang before we could do a worksheet.

Second block was longer than first. After Mrs. Frank took roll and picked up the forms, she immediately started to review the basics from English 1 and 2. I yawned the middle of the review. I hope Mrs. Frank didn't notice. Whenever Mrs. Frank notices someone yawning, she makes them write lines from the book. How fun is that?

"Liam!" Mrs. Frank called me out and everyone looked at me. Joy.

"Yes, Mrs. Frank?" "Did I see you yawn?" She asked. Oh no. I thought.

"No ma'am." I don't like lying but I don't like writing lines either.

"Are you lying to me, Liam?" "No." I really don't wanna write lines. "You better not be." Mrs. Frank continued to write on the board. I let out a sigh of relief.


Another short bell. Whats up with that? I thought to myself. I headed towards second block with Lacey telling me about she and Richard planned how they want to their first date to go. "Wait. Hold up. You two haven't gone on your first date yet?" I asked Lacey. "No but we will soon." She replied.

Luckily, third block passed by quickly because we got to watch two videos about our government today. I hate the government, honestly, but watching videos was better than doing worksheets. Plus we watched CNN Student News during the last 10 minutes of class so that was interesting.


Lunchtime! I happily thought as I put my bookbag on and turned my phone on. I reached in my pocket and untangled my earbuds. I got both of them before my phone had finished loading. "Liam are you ignoring me?" I looked up. Lacey was waiting for an answer. "No." I said. "Good." Lacey smiled.

I had Leona Lewis's song "Better In Time" playing through my earbuds. I was waiting in line to get my food while Lacey and Richard were next to me acting all coupley. I didn't look at them because I can't stand the sight of them acting like every other couple in this school. I also can't stand when people bump into me cause that's what Grace Harris just did.

Grace's POV

I was holding my lunch tray and my phone at the same time when I bumped into some guy. I turned around to see who it was. Liam Payne was glaring at me. Oops. I walked away from him as quickly as possible.

I searched for a place to sit. I would never sit with Sandy or her boyfriend Sam. Never again.

"Grace!" I looked for the voice. My best friend Lucy Mane was beckoning me. I sighed in relief. I don't have to sit alone! Thank the Lord! I wanted to jump for joy. My reputation would be in jeopardy if I sat at a table by myself.

"So Grace. I heard that you and Sandy aren't friends anymore. What happened?" Lucy asked. I finished chewing my pizza slice and answered with, "Yeah it's true." "What happened?" My other best friend Jessie Nolan asked me. "Well yesterday, I was heading towards her house when..." Someone cleared their throat. I know who that was.

I slowly turned around. My ex-best friend Sandy was there glaring at me. "Are you really gonna tell them about that?" "Yeah. I didn't think it would matter to you." I said in a harsh tone. Sandy looked hurt but I don't care. I want to know how I felt yesterday. "Whatever, Harris!" Sandy squeaked and stalked off. I rolled my eyes.

Lucy and Jessie were staring at me. "What?" I snapped. They didn't say anything. They kept on eating and so did I. The rest of lunch was spent in an awkward silence.

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