What's The Good News?

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Liam's POV

*2 and a half weeks later*

I got home from school to find a letter waiting for me on my pillow. I read it to myself.

Dear Liam,

Mum has had a heart attack and she wanted me to write this letter to you. She also wants you to come back home so you can take care of her. Don't worry, though. Mum has found a college she thought you might be interested in. The good news is it's about 20 or 30 minutes away from home.

Let us know if Mum & I can help you in any way. We love you.


Ruth xx

Ruth? I thought she was in Paris studying aboard. I thought to myself. She must be visiting Mum. Now I have to decide how to tell Louis about this.


*the next day*

Louis' and my English class got cancelled and the two of us decided to go out to lunch together. "This is exciting, Liam. Our first date together." Lou told me. "I know right?" I replied back.

After that, the car ride was quiet until Lou said, "You okay, Liam?" "I'm fine. Just thinking." I said. "What's the matter?" Lou asked. I sighed before answering. "My mum had a heart attack." I said quietly.

Louis must have heard me cause he was quiet. The rest of the car ride was quiet in fact. When Louis stopped the car, he turned to me and said, "I'm really sorry for you, Li." "Thanks." "I'm not finished yet." Lou said.

Before Louis could say anything else, we heard an ambulance siren. Oh boy. I thought to myself.

A/N: hey guys!

How are you doing?

I hope you enjoyed this chapter 💚

The next update will be late cause I have exams on Wednesday (Jan. 14) and Thursday (Jan. 15) so I won't update again until the next Friday (Jan. 23)

This way, the next chapter will be pretty long. (Hopefully if life doesn't get in the way again)

Ttyl ✌️


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