Monday Madness

459 16 2

Liam's POV

*beep* *beep* *beep*

Ugh. The worst day of the week. I thought to myself.

I slowly got out of bed. I really hope today goes well. I thought.


"Now class." Mr. Gill started. "Today we will be learning about Mendel & Inheritance, so take out your notes."

I got my notebook out. Mr. Gill went to go pull up the powerpoint but by the look on his face, I could tell that he wasn't happy.

I got up out of my seat. "Mr. Gill. Is everything alright?" "No. The stupid powerpoint won't come up. Liam, would you take the pass and go to the computer lab and ask for Gavin Stevenson please?" "Ok." I walked across the classroom, grabbed the pass and left.

I closed the door to Mr. Gill's room. I began my walk towards the computer lab when I saw Sandy. Oh great. I thought.

I took a closer look. Sandy was actually kissing a guy who wasn't Sam. Ooh! She's cheating on him! I thought to myself. Sandy wasn't cheating on Sam with some random guy, she was cheating on him with Nick Sanders.

"Payne!" Oh shit. I thought. "Sanders." "You better not tell anyone about this or else." "Or else what?" Nick stepped closer to me. "Do you really want me to answer that question?" "Yep."

"If you tell ANYBODY about this..." "Yo Payne!" Sam appeared and I smirked. Hell yeah. I thought. "Sawyer." I greeted him. "What's goin' on here?" "Sandy and Nick were kissing in the hallway." That's when anger shined through Sam's eyes.

Sandy scoffed. "Payne!" "Damn it Payne!" Nick pushed me. "Leave me alone!" I pushed him back. "That's enough!!" Sam walked inbetween us. "Thanks for the info, Payne. Sanders, I'm gonna kill you!!" Sam attacked Nick.

"HEY! Quit fighting in the hallway!!" I heard Mr. Gill's voice and I took off towards the computer lab.

*skipping the walk towards the computer lab*

I walked inside the lab. There was a class of people in my grade. Some of them looked at me but didn't say anything. I walked up to the teacher's desk. "Hi. I'm looking for Gavin Stevenson." I said.

The teacher was a woman who was about 10-15 years older than me. "Gavin. Could you come here please?" A guy with brown hair and glasses walked up. "Yes ma'am?"

"This young man here needs to see you." Gavin looked at me. "What's up Liam?"

A/N: sup guys?

sorry about the words being so close together :/


now if you'll excuse me

i'm gonna go complain to them

c y'all next week

-Sheri 💜

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